Emerging Technologies: The Quantum Computing Panel selected for OSFF’NYC!

The Open Source in Finance Forum (OSFF) by FINOS (the Fintech Open Source Foundation) is a prominent event series focusing on the adoption and use of open-source software and collaboration within the financial services industry. The New York City edition of this forum typically gathers a diverse group of professionals, including developers, executives, and other stakeholders from financial institutions, fintech companies, and technology providers.

Key Aspects of the OSFF New York City Edition:

  • Focus on Open Source in Finance: The event highlights how open-source software is transforming the financial services industry. Topics range from open-source governance, community building, and regulatory compliance to the practical application of open-source solutions in areas like trading, risk management, and data processing – and not to miss Open Source Readiness, upping the capabilities of companies when comes to open-source.
  • Speakers and Panels: The forum often features keynote speakers from leading financial institutions, technology firms, and open-source projects. Panels and discussions usually address current challenges and opportunities in the industry, as well as future trends in open-source technology.
  • Workshops and Hands-on Sessions: The forum provides practical workshops and hands-on sessions that allow participants to engage directly with open-source tools, platforms, and frameworks. These sessions are designed to enhance the technical skills of attendees and offer insights into best practices.
  • Networking Opportunities: One of the highlights of the forum is the networking opportunities it provides. Participants can connect with peers, industry leaders, and potential collaborators. This aspect is particularly valuable for those looking to foster partnerships or explore new business opportunities within the open-source ecosystem.
  • Showcasing Open Source Projects: The event serves as a platform for showcasing successful open-source projects that have been implemented in the financial sector. This includes demonstrations of innovative solutions, case studies, and success stories from organizations that have embraced open-source technologies.
  • Regulatory and Compliance Discussions: Given the highly regulated nature of the financial industry, discussions around regulatory compliance, security, and risk management are central to the event. Experts in these fields provide insights on how to navigate the complexities of using open source in a compliant manner.
  • Collaborations and Announcements: The forum is often a venue for announcing new collaborations, initiatives, or contributions to open-source projects. It’s a place where the community comes together to drive forward the open-source agenda in finance.

The New York City edition is particularly significant due to the city’s role as a global financial hub, making it a crucial event for anyone involved in financial technology and open-source development. The forum is a key event for those looking to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving landscape of financial services technology.

So why am I bringing attention to OSSF right now ? I am thrilled to announce that my session, titled “Emerging Technologies: The Quantum Computing Panel,” has been accepted.

About the Session: “Emerging Technologies: The Quantum Computing Panel”

Quantum computing is no longer a futuristic concept—it is rapidly becoming a reality that could fundamentally alter the landscape of finance. My session aims to explore the potential and implications of quantum computing in the financial services industry. The panel will feature a diverse group of experts who are at the forefront of quantum research and its application in finance.

Key topics we will cover include:

  1. Understanding Quantum Computing: A primer on the basic principles of quantum computing and how it differs from classical computing.
  2. Potential Use Cases in Finance: Exploration of how quantum computing could be applied to solve complex problems in finance, such as risk management, portfolio optimization, and cryptography.
  3. Challenges and Opportunities: A discussion on the current challenges facing the adoption of quantum computing, including technological limitations, regulatory considerations, and the need for new skills and expertise.
  4. Collaboration and Open Source: The role of open-source communities and collaboration in advancing quantum computing technologies, especially in the context of financial services.

Why This Session Matters

As the financial industry continues to evolve, the adoption of emerging technologies like quantum computing could offer unprecedented advantages. However, the path to integrating these technologies is fraught with challenges. By bringing together a panel of leading voices in quantum computing, my session aims to provide attendees with a deeper understanding of what quantum computing could mean for the future of finance and how we can collectively navigate this transformative journey.

The Broader Impact

The acceptance of this session at OSFF is not just a personal milestone (second of such panels of mine accepter, previous was focusing on Spatial Computing), but a reflection of the growing interest and urgency around quantum computing in finance. I am eager to contribute to the conversation and help shape the narrative around how we can leverage open-source principles to advance quantum computing for the greater good of the industry.

Join the Conversation

I invite all attendees of the Open Source in Finance Forum NYC to join me for this exciting panel discussion. Whether you are a quantum computing enthusiast, a finance professional, or someone curious about the future of technology in finance, this session will offer valuable insights and foster meaningful dialogue.

I look forward to seeing you there and exploring the possibilities that quantum computing holds for our industry!

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