Artificial intelligence (AI) promises enormous potential to transform societies, economies, and daily life, but its transformative impact also carries inherent risks, particularly in second-order effects that are sometimes less visible yet profoundly impactful. Let’s explore these second-order risks to understand where AI could lead us astray.

- Human Misunderstanding Mediated by AI (“AI-Driven (Dis)Agreements”)
In negotiations, contracts, or collaborative projects mediated through AI tools, there’s the growing potential for fundamental misunderstandings. Automated systems interpreting agreements might inadvertently lead to conflicts, as both parties may believe they are aligned based on AI-generated conclusions, yet human intentions can differ significantly. This discrepancy between automated interpretations and human expectations can cause serious disputes.
- Complex Agent Interactions (“Entangled Intelligences”)
AI operates not just as a single entity but as a collection of agents with different roles. For instance, one system may control logistics, another procurement, while others manage customer relationships. When these AI agents interact with each other in increasingly autonomous ways, it becomes challenging to ascertain the cumulative intent and behavior of the system. Unanticipated outcomes might emerge when decisions made by multiple AI systems amplify each other, sometimes creating chaotic, unintended scenarios.
- Deskilling (“Erosion of Expertise”)
While AI automates tasks, the dependency on such technology can lead to deskilling, where individuals lose proficiency in tasks once mastered. This effect is visible in professions such as radiology and finance, where automation risks hollowing out human expertise. Once lost, rebuilding these skills can be difficult if we realize automation overshot its utility.
- Everything Has an API (“API Overload”)
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) facilitate communication between different AI systems. However, in a world where every service becomes accessible via an API, impersonal interactions proliferate. Customer support may worsen as human interaction gives way to fully automated responses, leaving consumers frustrated with pre-programmed answers incapable of handling nuanced queries or emotions.
- Augmented Reality (“Virtual Veil”)
Augmented reality, blending digital information with the physical world, allows AI systems to change our perception directly. Though promising for education and entertainment, this overlay can manipulate what we perceive, leading to reality filters that are more about persuasion than augmentation. Misinformation can be easily blended into everyday experiences, shaping our views while masquerading as harmless enhancement.
- AI Replacement of Humans in Dual-Control Situations (“Open the pod bay doors HAL.”)
Many critical systems rely on a human-in-the-loop principle, where humans and automated systems complement each other. However, there’s a trend toward removing humans entirely from decision chains. For instance, in autonomous vehicles or healthcare, AI systems can now make consequential decisions that traditionally required human oversight. This displacement poses serious risks when something goes wrong, as there is no human fallback to address errors or mitigate harm.
In summary, the second-order risks associated with AI underscore the need for prudent development, deployment, and governance. It’s essential to balance the tremendous benefits of AI with a deep understanding of its indirect implications to ensure that these ‘wild things’ remain within control and serve humanity positively.