F# is a functional programming language that has gained significant traction over the years, and for good reasons. It is an amazing language because it offers a range of features that make it a versatile and efficient language to use.

Really is a powerful language, that can be used for a wide range of applications. One of the key advantages of F# is its portability to web assembly. Web assembly is a binary instruction format that can be executed by web browsers. With F#, it is possible to write code that can be compiled to web assembly, allowing developers to build web applications with F#. This feature makes F# a valuable tool for building modern web applications.
Another advantage of F# is its cooperation with WebSharper and Fable. WebSharper is a web development framework that provides a rich set of tools for building web applications. Fable is a compiler that allows F# code to be compiled to JavaScript. Together, these tools provide developers with an efficient way to build web applications using F#.
F# also has the ability to transpile to other languages. This feature allows developers to write code in F# and then transpile it to another language, such as JavaScript or Python. This feature makes F# a versatile language that can be used for a wide range of applications.
One example of how F# is being used is in the renewed interest for it in the development of Morphir, a language tool from FINOS and Morgan Stanley. Morphir is a domain-specific language that is designed to help developers build financial applications. Morphir is built on Elm and able to use Bosque and other business logic frontends and DSLs, and offers a range of features that make it a powerful tool for building financial applications.
One of the key features of Morphir is its ability to generate code automatically. This feature allows developers to write code in Morphir and then generate code in another language, such as Scala, TypeScript and now (re)upcoming, F#. This feature makes it easy for developers to build financial applications in different languages.
In conclusion, F# is an amazing language that offers a range of features that make it a valuable tool for developers. Its portability to web assembly, cooperation with WebSharper and Fable, and ability to transpile to other languages make it a versatile language that can be used for a wide range of applications. Additionally, tools such as Morphir demonstrate how F# can be used to build powerful and efficient domain-specific languages. As the popularity of functional programming languages continues to grow, it is clear that F# is a language that is here to stay, moreover bloom.
That’s why I am happy to announce that we are looking for inspired parties to join this work – please do drop a note to morphir at FINOS dot org, if you feel interested!