During the weekend, I got a note I was hoping to see for a while 🙂 Microsoft’s MVP program is something I personally was close to, working with the people in the nomination queue, working with the team approving the candidates, etc. – never thought myself would be one day the recipient of such privilege to receive it 🙂 And I got it from a topic so close to my heart – .NET 😀

To whom it may concern,
It is with great pride we announce that Peter Smulovics has been awarded as a Microsoft® Most Valuable Professional (MVP). The Microsoft MVP Award is an annual award that recognizes exceptional technology community leaders worldwide who actively share their high-quality, real-world expertise with users and Microsoft. All of us at Microsoft recognize and appreciate Peter’s extraordinary contributions and want to take this opportunity to share our appreciation with you.
With just over 3,000 awardees worldwide, Microsoft MVPs represent a highly select group of experts. MVPs share a deep commitment to community and a willingness to help others. They represent the diversity of today’s technical communities. MVPs are present in over 90 countries, in more than 40 languages, and across numerous Microsoft technologies. MVPs share a passion for technology, a willingness to help others, and a commitment to community. These are the qualities that make MVPs exceptional community leaders. MVPs’ efforts enhance people’s lives and contribute to our industry’s success in many ways. By sharing their knowledge and experiences, and providing objective feedback, they help people solve problems and discover new capabilities every day. MVPs are technology’s best and brightest, and we are honored to welcome Peter as one of them.
To recognize the contributions they make, MVPs from around the world have the opportunity to meet Microsoft executives, network with peers, and position themselves as technical community leaders. This is accomplished through speaking engagements, one on one customer event participation and technical content development. MVPs also receive early access to technology through a variety of programs offered by Microsoft, which keeps them on the cutting edge of the software and hardware industry.
As a recipient of this year’s Microsoft MVP award, Peter joins an exceptional group of individuals from around the world who have demonstrated a willingness to reach out, share their technical expertise with others and help individuals maximize their use of technology.
The Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Award Team
Microsoft Corporation
I feel like I have to thank this award for so many people that helped me to reach where I am – not even trying to list them all 🙂 Hassan Charaf, György Balássy, Zsolt Bátorfi, László Kollár, Levente Nagy, Anders Hejlsberg, Robert Scoble, Don Box, Dona Sarkar, István Kerese, Sandor Nacsa, Rick McGuire, Betsy Weber, Jay Schmelzer, Scott Hunter, Doug Finke, Doug Mahugh, Agnes Molnar, András Velvárt, Istvan Novak, Balazs Fejes, Jeremy Sinclair, Scott Hanselman, Mark Russinovich, Miguel De Icaza, Mik Chernomordikov, Pankaj Chaurasia, Michael Harsh, Nayan Patel, Robin Smith, Brianna Scully, Brigit Ieuter, Joseph Mallit, Rachael Sherman, Michael Wilson, Gabriele Columbro, James McLeod, Rob Moffat, Prachi Kasodhan, Allison Gorman Nachtigal, Leo Junquera, Matthew Marcus, Arnaud Montembault, Marc Hovhannissian, Eric Maloney, Claire Novotny, Margo Connors, MBA, Andras Virag, Kálmán Béres