Last week, had their yearly All Community Call Recap – please do watch the recording and check out the deck.

So, as I was watching the recap and was preparing for my section (together with Keith O’Donnell, we were talking about ), I could not miss that I was mentioned once… twice… three times… up to five times in 60 minutes. And I wasn’t the only one spotting this – after the 3rd one I started to get memes from
people, let me share a little selection here 🙂

* want to mention Dov Katz, Brian Ingenito, Stephen Goldbaum, Rita Chaturvedi, Matthew Bain, Mimi Flynn, Alvin Shih, Amol Shukla, Paul Stevenson, Attila Mihaly, Ferenc Hubicsak, and more, who contributed significantly to FINOS from Morgan Stanley.
So, looking forward to a fun 2024, in my new roles at FINOS (Open Source Readiness, InnerSource, Emerging Technologies, and Technical Oversight Committee), and driving Big Boost Mondays in NYC – see you at an upcoming session (like the one tonight)!
Ha, love it. Keep on doing what you’re doing, Peter. It’s a pleasure to share a stage with you