Applying the Art of Deception to Enterprise Environments

Enterprises are constantly seeking innovative strategies to stay ahead of the competition. One unconventional yet intriguing concept that has garnered attention is “Dokeshi no Michi,” a term rooted in Japanese culture that translates to “The Path of Deception.” While initially associated with traditional Japanese performing arts and ninja tactics, this concept has found a unique application in the modern enterprise environment.

“Dokeshi no Michi” encapsulates the art of deception, misdirection, and diversion to achieve strategic objectives. In this article, we will delve into the principles of Dokeshi no Michi and explore how they can be applied effectively in the corporate world.

The Principles of Dokeshi no Michi

  1. Concealment and Misdirection: Dokeshi no Michi relies on the power of concealing intentions and misdirecting adversaries. In an enterprise context, this can mean maintaining secrecy about key projects, partnerships, or product developments until the opportune moment. By keeping competitors guessing and diverting their attention elsewhere, organizations can gain a strategic advantage.
  2. Adaptability and Agility: Just as a dokeshi performer adapts to unexpected situations during a performance, enterprises should cultivate adaptability and agility. This involves swiftly changing strategies, pivoting in response to market shifts, and staying flexible to navigate uncertainty.
  3. Psychological Warfare: Dokeshi no Michi acknowledges the importance of understanding human psychology. In an enterprise setting, this principle involves knowing your competitors, clients, and employees, and using that knowledge to manipulate perceptions and expectations. For example, a company may project an image of strength and stability to deter competitors while quietly exploring disruptive innovations.
  4. Leveraging Surprise: The element of surprise is a potent tool in Dokeshi no Michi. In the corporate world, this could mean surprising the market with an unexpected product launch, a game-changing acquisition, or a sudden change in leadership. Surprises can disrupt the status quo and force competitors to reassess their strategies.

Applications in Enterprise Environments

  1. Competitive Strategy: The principles of Dokeshi no Michi can help enterprises gain a competitive edge by keeping competitors off-balance. This may involve intentionally leaking false information, launching a diversionary campaign, or quietly infiltrating a new market while appearing focused on an existing one.
  2. Product Development: Concealment and misdirection can be valuable during the development of new products or services. By keeping competitors unaware of your innovations until the last moment, you can preempt copycats and ensure that your offering has a unique selling proposition.
  3. Crisis Management: In times of crisis, such as a security breach or financial downturn, applying the principles of Dokeshi no Michi can help organizations manage public perception and limit damage. By controlling the narrative and managing the release of information, companies can mitigate the impact of adverse events.
  4. Mergers and Acquisitions: When pursuing mergers or acquisitions, the element of surprise can be a strategic advantage. Enterprises can use misdirection to conceal their intentions and negotiate deals on their terms, rather than becoming targets for aggressive takeover attempts.


While the concept of Dokeshi no Michi may seem unconventional in the corporate world, its principles offer a fresh perspective on strategy, innovation, and competition. By embracing the art of deception, concealment, and surprise, enterprises can find new ways to outmaneuver competitors, navigate challenges, and achieve their strategic objectives. In an era of constant change and fierce competition, the path of deception might just lead to the elusive edge that modern businesses seek.

The Power of Aspirational Goals

Still staying on the topic of goal setting for a while, in the pursuit of personal and professional growth, there is a profound quote that resonates deeply with individuals seeking to transcend their limitations and reach new heights: “Set a goal so big that you can’t achieve it until you grow into the person who can.” Attributed to the renowned motivational speaker and author Les Brown, this quote encapsulates the essence of ambition and self-improvement. It serves as a constant reminder that the path to success often requires pushing one’s boundaries and evolving as an individual.

The Nature of Aspirational Goals

An aspirational goal is not just any ordinary goal; it is an audacious, larger-than-life objective that stretches the limits of one’s abilities and imagination. While more attainable goals are essential for building confidence and achieving short-term successes, aspirational goals have a unique power to inspire, transform, and elevate individuals to unprecedented levels of achievement.

  1. Breakthroughs Are Born from Ambition

History is replete with stories of individuals who set colossal goals and, in the process, revolutionized their lives and the world around them. Think of inventors like Thomas Edison, whose goal was to create a reliable light bulb, or explorers like Christopher Columbus, who aimed to find a new trade route to Asia. These individuals set goals so immense that they had to invent, discover, and evolve themselves to reach them.

  1. Pushing Beyond Comfort Zones

When you set a goal that feels comfortably within your reach, there is a risk of stagnation. You might achieve it, but you won’t necessarily grow substantially in the process. Aspirational goals, on the other hand, demand that you venture into unfamiliar territory, confront your fears, and push the boundaries of your capabilities. This often involves learning new skills, acquiring knowledge, and developing resilience.

  1. Building Resilience and Adaptability

The pursuit of aspirational goals is not always smooth sailing. Challenges and setbacks are inevitable on the path to greatness. However, these obstacles are opportunities for growth. When you set a goal so big that it seems unattainable at first, you develop the resilience to bounce back from failures and the adaptability to adjust your strategies as needed. In the end, these qualities are just as valuable as achieving the goal itself.

  1. Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Setting and striving for aspirational goals nurtures a growth mindset. A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort, learning, and perseverance. As you work towards your audacious objectives, you become more open to learning, less afraid of failure, and more willing to embrace challenges as opportunities for self-improvement.

  1. Inspiring Others and Leaving a Legacy

Ambitious goals have a way of inspiring those around you. When you openly share your aspirations and demonstrate your commitment to personal growth, you become a beacon of motivation for others. By pursuing your dreams relentlessly, you set an example of what can be achieved through determination, hard work, and self-belief. In doing so, you leave a lasting legacy of inspiration and impact.


In the grand tapestry of life, setting and striving for aspirational goals is a noble and transformative endeavor. The quote, “Set a goal so big that you can’t achieve it until you grow into the person who can,” encapsulates the essence of what it means to aspire to greatness. By pushing beyond your comfort zone, building resilience, and cultivating a growth mindset, you not only achieve your audacious goals but also become a better, more capable, and more inspiring version of yourself. In this journey of self-discovery and growth, you inspire those around you and leave an indelible mark on the world. So, dream big, set colossal goals, and embrace the journey of becoming the person who can achieve them.

Demystifying Success: A Critical Look at Our Perceptions

Staying with Chesterton, the quote, “Those who are unaware of the secrets of success are most likely to mysticize them,” offers a thought-provoking perspective on how success is often perceived and misunderstood. This statement can serve as a starting point for a deeper exploration of the misconceptions surrounding success and the reasons behind them.

The Mystification of Success

The idea that success is shrouded in mystery is prevalent in many cultures. People tend to view success as something elusive, often attributed to luck, destiny, or some intangible quality. This mystification is particularly pronounced among those who feel distant from success themselves. By attributing success to mysterious forces, individuals can rationalize their own lack of success or the seemingly insurmountable success of others.

The Reality of Success

In contrast to this mystified view, success is often the result of tangible and identifiable factors. These can include hard work, dedication, strategic planning, and the ability to learn from failure. Successful individuals and organizations typically follow certain principles and practices that can be studied and emulated. However, these practical aspects are frequently overshadowed by more romanticized notions of success.

The Role of Knowledge in Understanding Success

Knowledge plays a crucial role in demystifying success. When individuals educate themselves about the real factors that contribute to success, they begin to see it as something achievable and grounded in reality. This understanding can transform their approach to personal and professional aspirations, making success a more tangible and less mysticized concept.

The Danger of Over-Mystification

Mystifying success can be detrimental. It can lead to a passive approach where individuals wait for success to ‘happen’ rather than actively pursuing it. This mindset can also foster a culture of envy and unrealistic expectations, where the hard work and challenges involved in achieving success are grossly underestimated.

Conclusion: Embracing a Realistic View of Success

In conclusion, the quote serves as a reminder to seek a deeper understanding of what success truly involves. By demystifying success, we can adopt a more practical and proactive approach to achieving our goals. This shift in perspective empowers individuals to recognize that success is not a matter of mystique or luck but the result of identifiable actions and strategies that can be learned and applied.

Embracing the Duality of Adoration

G.K. Chesterton, a renowned English writer and philosopher, was known for his profound and often paradoxical statements. One such statement, “When we worship anything, we love not only its clearness, but its obscurity,” offers a deep insight into the nature of admiration and reverence.

The Paradox of Worship

At first glance, Chesterton’s quote seems to contradict itself. Worship is often associated with clarity, understanding, and enlightenment. It involves recognizing and appreciating the qualities of the object of worship. However, Chesterton suggests that worship also involves an embrace of the unknown and the mysterious. This duality is what makes worship a deeply complex and human experience.

The Beauty in Obscurity

The acknowledgment of obscurity in worship implies that there is beauty in the unknown and the unattainable. When we adore something or someone, our fascination is not limited to what is evident and comprehensible. Instead, it extends to the aspects that are elusive and enigmatic. This obscurity invites continuous exploration and engagement, ensuring that worship is not a static state but a dynamic process.

The Role of Mystery in Devotion

Mystery plays a crucial role in devotion. It’s the mystery that keeps the object of worship interesting and engaging over time. Without some level of obscurity, worship might become mundane or formulaic. The unknown elements provide a space for interpretation, personal growth, and deepening of the relationship between the worshipper and the worshipped.

The Balance of Knowledge and Wonder

Chesterton’s statement also speaks to the balance between knowledge and wonder. While understanding and clarity are important, they must be balanced with a sense of wonder towards the parts that cannot be fully understood. This balance is what keeps the act of worship alive and vibrant, preventing it from becoming merely an exercise in factual acknowledgment.

Conclusion: A Call to Embrace the Whole

In conclusion, Chesterton’s quote invites us to embrace both the clear and the obscure in our objects of worship. It challenges us to acknowledge that true adoration goes beyond surface understanding and delves into the realms of mystery and the unknown. By doing so, we engage more fully with the world and our place in it, finding beauty not only in what we understand but also in what remains just beyond our grasp.

Your Worth: Beyond Raw Material to Mastery of Talents and Abilities

In a world increasingly obsessed with quantifiable attributes, from academic scores to social media followers, it’s easy to fall into the trap of measuring self-worth in terms of raw, innate abilities or material achievements. However, true value lies not merely in the talents we are born with, but in how we choose to develop, shape, and utilize these abilities.

At the core of this perspective is the understanding that innate talent is just the starting point. A natural gift for music, art, or mathematics, for instance, sets the stage, but it is the dedication to honing these skills that truly defines one’s worth. History is replete with stories of individuals who, despite modest beginnings or apparent lack of innate genius, achieved greatness through persistence, hard work, and a willingness to learn and grow.

Moreover, the true measure of worth is often found in the application of talents. Using one’s abilities for a purpose greater than personal achievement or recognition – be it teaching, inspiring, innovating, or contributing to societal progress – adds a dimension of value that raw talent alone cannot provide.

Another aspect often overlooked is the ability to adapt and evolve. In a rapidly changing world, the willingness to learn new skills, to unlearn outdated practices, and to relearn in the light of new information is invaluable. This flexibility and resilience reflect a depth of character that surpasses any innate ability.

Furthermore, the synergy of diverse talents and the ability to collaborate effectively multiply individual worth. The strength of a team or community often lies in its diversity of talents and the collective ability to harness these for a common goal.

Finally, self-worth is also determined by the inner qualities such as empathy, integrity, and kindness. These attributes often influence how talents are used and define the impact one has on others and the world.

In conclusion, while raw material – in the form of innate talents and abilities – is important, it is not the sole determinant of worth. The true measure of an individual’s value lies in how they choose to shape, refine, and apply these talents, along with their character and their interactions with the world around them. In recognizing this, we can shift our focus from simply what we are, to what we can become and achieve through our efforts and choices.

“If you’re not making mistakes, the chances are you’re not doing enough.”

James Gorman, the esteemed business leader known for his insightful and forward-thinking approach, recently imparted a piece of advice that is both profound and pragmatic: “If you’re not making mistakes, the chances are you’re not doing enough.” These parting words, simple yet profound, encapsulate a significant philosophy in the world of business and beyond.

Embracing Risk and Learning from Mistakes

Mr. Gorman’s statement encourages a culture of risk-taking and learning. In the fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, the fear of making mistakes can often hinder innovation and bold decision-making. Mr. Gorman’s perspective suggests that making mistakes is not just inevitable but also a necessary part of progress and growth. It’s a reminder that every error provides an opportunity to learn, adapt, and improve.

The Importance of an Active Approach

The phrase also underscores the importance of being proactive. In Mr. Gorman’s view, doing ‘enough’ means constantly pushing boundaries and exploring new horizons. Companies and individuals who play it safe and stick to the tried and tested methods may achieve consistency, but they miss out on the chance to discover and innovate. Mr. Gorman’s words advocate for an active approach, where striving for more and daring to fail is the pathway to success.

Cultivating a Resilient Mindset

Moreover, Mr. Gorman’s advice is a call to cultivate resilience. In the face of mistakes, the natural inclination might be to retreat or give up. However, embracing mistakes as part of the journey fosters a resilient mindset. It’s about bouncing back from setbacks with a deeper understanding and a renewed determination to succeed.

Implications for Leadership and Management

For leaders and managers, these words serve as a guideline for fostering a healthy work environment. It encourages them to create a space where employees feel safe to take risks and innovate without the fear of retribution for mistakes. This approach can lead to higher creativity, better problem-solving, and ultimately, more significant advancements.


James Gorman’s parting words, “If you’re not making mistakes, the chances are you’re not doing enough,” is more than just advice; it’s a philosophy for growth and innovation. It encourages risk-taking, promotes an active approach, cultivates resilience, and guides leadership. In a world that is rapidly changing and highly competitive, embracing this mindset could be the key to unlocking potential and achieving extraordinary success.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

“千里之行,始于足下” is a famous Chinese proverb that translates to “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” This proverb, originating from the Dao De Jing by Laozi, a classical Chinese text, encapsulates a profound universal truth about the importance of taking the first step in any endeavor, no matter how daunting the task may seem.

The proverb underscores the significance of beginnings. Often, the most challenging part of any journey is the initial step. This is true for a wide range of human endeavors, whether it’s embarking on a physical journey, starting a new business, pursuing an education, or even personal growth. The idea is that every great achievement starts small. The longest and most complex projects are achievable when broken down into smaller, more manageable tasks.

Furthermore, “千里之行,始于足下” speaks to the power of perseverance and gradual progress. It suggests that success is not achieved through leaps and bounds but through consistent and steady efforts. Each step, no matter how small, moves us closer to our goal. This aspect of the proverb is particularly inspiring as it gives hope and motivation to those who feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of their ambitions.

In today’s fast-paced world, where instant results are often expected, this ancient wisdom reminds us of the value of patience and persistence. The journey of a thousand miles does not happen overnight; it requires time, effort, and determination. It encourages us to start, no matter how insignificant the first step may seem, for it is the accumulation of these small steps that leads to significant achievements.

The proverb also teaches the importance of having a clear goal or direction. While the first step is crucial, knowing where one is heading is equally important. It’s about setting a course and then taking the necessary steps to follow that path. This clarity of purpose, combined with the action of taking the first step, sets the foundation for a successful journey.

In conclusion, “千里之行,始于足下” is a timeless piece of wisdom that continues to be relevant in the modern world. It serves as a motivational guide for anyone embarking on a new venture, reminding us that every monumental task begins with a simple act. It teaches us to value small beginnings, embrace the process, and persist in our efforts, for it is through these small, steady steps that great distances are covered and lofty goals are achieved.

Pursuit of happinesses

The pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human desire, often depicted as a personal quest. However, the adage “If you spend your life chasing your own happiness, you’ll never find it. But if you spend it giving happiness to others, you’ll find your own,” suggests a profound shift in this quest. This article explores this philosophy, examining how prioritizing others’ happiness can paradoxically lead to our own fulfillment.

yellow cube on brown pavement
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The Paradox of Self-Focused Happiness

The relentless pursuit of personal happiness often leads to a paradox. In constantly seeking happiness for ourselves, we become absorbed in a self-centered cycle. This can involve chasing material gains, status, or even experiences, under the illusion that these achievements or possessions will bring lasting happiness. However, this pursuit often leads to temporary satisfaction, followed by a renewed sense of lacking. Psychologists suggest that this cycle can be attributed to the phenomenon of hedonic adaptation, where individuals quickly return to a baseline level of happiness despite major positive changes in their circumstances.

Altruism: A Path to Fulfillment

Contrary to the self-focused approach, giving happiness to others can offer a more sustainable and profound sense of fulfillment. Altruism, the selfless concern for the well-being of others, has been shown to enhance the giver’s sense of purpose and satisfaction.

  1. Psychological Benefits: Engaging in acts of kindness and generosity leads to what is often referred to as the “helper’s high.” This includes increased feelings of well-being and decreased feelings of depression.
  2. Social Connection: Giving to others helps build stronger social connections. These connections are a key component of happiness, as humans are inherently social beings.
  3. Sense of Purpose and Meaning: Contributing to the well-being of others gives individuals a sense of purpose. This sense of purpose is closely linked to psychological well-being.
  4. Health Benefits: There are also physical health benefits associated with altruism. Studies have shown that engaging in acts of kindness can reduce stress and boost the immune system.

Real-Life Applications

Embracing this philosophy involves a shift in mindset and behavior. It’s about recognizing the joy in small acts of kindness, volunteering, and being present for others. This doesn’t mean neglecting one’s own needs but rather finding a balance where personal satisfaction is derived from the happiness of others.


The saying “If you spend your life chasing your own happiness, you’ll never find it. But if you spend it giving happiness to others, you’ll find your own,” captures a profound truth about human fulfillment. While personal achievements and pleasures are important, they are not the sole path to happiness. True contentment often lies in the joy we bring to others, echoing the interconnectedness of human experiences. As social beings, our well-being is deeply intertwined with the well-being of those around us.

Having No Strategy is a Missed Opportunity

Continued on the goal setting – for each goal, you should draw up a strategy, otherwise it is a missed opportunity to actually achieve it. This statement underlines the critical importance of strategic planning in achieving success and navigating the complex, ever-changing landscape of our professional and personal lives.

a person tossing a coin
Photo by CocaKolaLips on

1. The Essence of Strategy:

At its core, a strategy is a well-thought-out plan of action designed to achieve a specific goal. In business, this could be increasing market share, launching a new product, or improving customer satisfaction. In personal development, it could be career progression, skill enhancement, or achieving a work-life balance. Without a strategy, efforts can become disjointed, inefficient, and ultimately, less effective.

2. Opportunity Costs of Lack of Strategy:

The main cost of not having a strategy is the missed opportunity. Opportunities in business and personal growth are often fleeting. Without a clear strategy, individuals and organizations might fail to recognize these chances or be too slow to act on them. Furthermore, a lack of strategy can lead to wasted resources, be it time, money, or human capital, as actions taken might not be aligned with an end goal.

3. Strategic Planning as a Roadmap:

A well-crafted strategy serves as a roadmap. It provides direction and clarity, aligns resources with objectives, and helps to anticipate and mitigate potential challenges. It also allows for the setting of measurable goals, which are crucial for assessing progress and making necessary adjustments.

4. Flexibility in Strategy:

It’s important to note that having a strategy doesn’t mean being inflexible. The best strategies are those that allow for adaptation and agility. As external conditions change, so too should strategies. This flexibility can be the difference between capitalizing on a new opportunity and being left behind.

5. Case Studies of Successful Strategies:

History is replete with examples of successful strategies. Companies like Apple and Amazon have thrived due to their forward-thinking strategies. Similarly, individuals like Elon Musk and Oprah Winfrey have used strategic planning in their personal and professional lives to achieve remarkable success.

6. Developing a Personal and Professional Strategy:

Developing a strategy can seem daunting, but it starts with understanding your goals. From there, it involves assessing your resources, understanding your environment, and then crafting a plan that aligns your actions with your objectives. Regular review and adaptation of this plan are essential.

7. Conclusion:

In conclusion, the absence of a strategy is more than just a passive oversight; it’s a missed opportunity. Whether in business or personal development, a well-defined strategy is not just a tool for success; it’s a necessity in today’s dynamic world. By recognizing the value of strategic planning and implementing it, individuals and organizations can seize opportunities, minimize risks, and pave the way for sustained success and growth.

Embracing the Imperfect Start: Why Your First Attempt is the Most Important

In the journey towards mastery and excellence, there’s a simple truth often overlooked: Your first attempt at anything is likely to be bad. This is a reality that applies to everyone, from novices to future experts. It’s an unspoken rule in the realm of personal and professional development, and it’s crucial to understand why embracing this fact is vital for success.

The First Step is Often the Hardest

Starting something new can be daunting. Whether it’s your first workout, podcast, speech, video, or any other venture, the initial attempt is rarely a masterpiece. This is not just normal; it’s expected. The fear of failure or not being good enough can be a significant barrier. However, this initial hurdle is where the seeds of growth are planted.

Learning Through Experience

Each first attempt, no matter how bad, is a learning opportunity. Your first workout may be challenging and uncomfortable, but it teaches you about your physical limits and begins the process of building strength and endurance. Your first podcast episode might be awkward or disjointed, but it’s a chance to learn about audio editing, storytelling, and engaging with an audience.

Progress, Not Perfection

The pursuit of perfection, especially at the start, can be a trap. It’s essential to focus on progress rather than perfection. Your first speech might not be captivating, and your first video might not go viral, but these initial efforts are stepping stones. They are the first in a series of incremental improvements that lead to competence and, eventually, expertise.

The Journey to the 100th Attempt

One cannot simply leap to the 100th attempt without going through the first. This journey is as much about personal growth as it is about the skill or project at hand. Each attempt builds upon the last, teaching resilience, adaptability, and the value of consistent effort.

Putting Ego Aside

Starting something new requires humility. It’s about putting your ego aside and being open to the messy, imperfect process of learning. It’s a test of character as much as skill – the willingness to be vulnerable and exposed in the early stages of any endeavor.

The Call to Action

The message is clear: start. Embrace the discomfort and the potential for initial failure. Your first attempt at anything is supposed to be bad because it’s the starting line, not the finish line. By accepting this, you give yourself permission to begin, to grow, and to evolve. Remember, you can’t make your 100th attempt without making your first. So, set aside your fears and your ego, and take that first, imperfect step. It’s the only way to start the journey towards mastery and fulfillment in any endeavor.