The Power of Selective Engagement: Understanding When Not to Respond

In the landscape of discussions and interactions, the adage “When someone calls you out, don’t engage unless you are ready to share your audience with them” underscores a crucial aspect of social dynamics and communication. It emphasizes the importance of discernment in choosing when, how, and whether to respond to criticism or challenges from others.

The Nature of Being Called Out

Being called out often involves criticism, disagreement, or confrontation. It can stem from various sources—differing opinions, misunderstandings, or genuine concerns. However, not every instance of being called out necessitates a response.

The Decision to Engage

Engagement in response to being called out is a strategic choice. It involves assessing the context, intent, and potential outcomes of responding. While constructive criticism can offer growth opportunities, not all call-outs warrant a reaction.

The Audience’s Role

Sharing your audience signifies allowing the caller-out to occupy the same platform or attention that you hold. This act can lend legitimacy or credibility to their viewpoint. It’s essential to consider whether the individual calling you out deserves this shared audience based on the validity, relevance, and civility of their critique.

Recognizing the Weight of Silence

Sometimes, silence holds its own power. Choosing not to engage can be a deliberate decision to maintain focus on more critical conversations, avoid escalating conflicts, or prevent giving undue attention to unconstructive criticism.

Selective Engagement: A Strategic Approach

When deciding whether to respond to a call-out, evaluate the significance, impact, and potential consequences of engaging. Consider whether your response contributes constructively to the dialogue, aligns with your values, and serves the greater purpose of the conversation.

Embracing Discretion and Empowerment

Understanding that not every call-out demands a response empowers individuals to exercise discretion in their interactions. This discretion allows one to prioritize meaningful dialogue, personal growth, and the preservation of productive communication spaces.


In the realm of social interaction, responding to a call-out is a choice that carries weight. It’s crucial to assess each instance thoughtfully, considering factors such as the nature of the criticism, the intentions behind the call-out, and the potential impact of engaging. Recognize that not every call-out merits a response, and selective engagement can preserve the focus on constructive conversations while empowering individuals to maintain agency over their platforms and discussions. Strategic discernment in deciding when to engage ultimately shapes the quality and direction of dialogues in personal, professional, and societal spheres.

Don’t Hand Over Your Microphone: The Power of Speaking Up

In a world abuzz with diverse voices and opinions, the act of relinquishing one’s microphone metaphorically symbolizes giving up the platform to express oneself. This phrase embodies a crucial lesson in asserting individuality and maintaining agency in conversations, relationships, and societal discourse.

The Metaphor of the Microphone

Imagine a microphone as a conduit for your thoughts, beliefs, and ideas—a tool that amplifies your voice. In conversations, it represents your agency, empowering you to articulate your perspectives and contribute meaningfully. Handing over this metaphorical microphone means surrendering this agency, allowing someone else’s voice to dominate or overshadow your own.

The Dynamics of Expression

Expressions of opinions, thoughts, and emotions shape our interactions. Often, societal norms, power structures, or group dynamics pressure individuals to yield their ‘microphones’—their right to speak up. This surrender can stem from fear, social conditioning, or a lack of confidence in one’s voice.

Speaking Up: A Catalyst for Change

Maintaining ownership of your ‘microphone’ signifies the courage to speak up, challenge norms, and contribute uniquely to discussions. It fosters a diverse range of perspectives, enriching conversations and propelling progress. Speaking up is not just about asserting oneself; it’s also about advocating for those whose voices may not be heard otherwise.

The Art of Respectful Dialogue

Retaining your ‘microphone’ doesn’t mean silencing others. It’s about creating a harmonious space where multiple voices coexist. Respectful dialogue involves active listening, acknowledging different viewpoints, and fostering an environment where everyone feels empowered to express themselves.

Empowerment Through Ownership

To retain ownership of your ‘microphone,’ cultivate self-awareness, confidence, and the willingness to engage in constructive dialogue. Recognize the value in your unique perspective, and embrace the responsibility that comes with it.


In a world brimming with opinions and narratives, the metaphorical ‘microphone’ embodies individual agency and the power of expression. It encourages us not only to speak but also to listen actively, fostering an inclusive and dynamic environment for dialogue. Embrace your ‘microphone’—your voice—and remember that its power lies not just in its volume but in the authenticity and impact of your words. Don’t hand over your microphone; let it amplify your voice, contributing to a more vibrant and inclusive global conversation.

Don’t Wait for Success to Find You – Go and Take It

Success isn’t a destination one stumbles upon; it’s the result of deliberate actions, relentless effort, and a proactive mindset. Waiting for success to serendipitously appear is akin to relying on chance rather than shaping one’s own destiny. The true champions of accomplishment understand that seizing success necessitates initiative, determination, and perseverance.

Proactive Pursuit

Passive waiting seldom leads to the desired outcomes. Success demands an active pursuit. It beckons those who are willing to chart their course, confront challenges, and persist through adversity. Instead of idly hoping for success, one must proactively seek it, pursuing goals with an unwavering resolve.

Embrace Challenges

The path to success is often strewn with hurdles and setbacks. However, those who grasp success don’t shy away from these challenges; they confront them head-on. Each obstacle becomes an opportunity to learn, grow, and refine one’s skills. Embracing challenges is a testament to resilience and a testament to the unwavering pursuit of success.

Initiative and Innovation

Waiting for success is a passive stance, whereas taking it involves initiative and innovation. Waiting often means letting opportunities slip away, while taking it involves creating opportunities. It’s about pushing boundaries, thinking differently, and exploring uncharted territories. Success favors those who actively seek out new avenues and take calculated risks.

Learn, Adapt, and Persist

Success isn’t just about achieving a single goal; it’s a journey characterized by continuous learning, adaptation, and perseverance. Those who take success into their own hands understand the importance of evolving with changing circumstances, learning from failures, and persisting despite setbacks.


Success isn’t a stroke of luck but a consequence of deliberate, persistent action. Waiting for success to find you might mean waiting indefinitely. Instead, grasp success by the reins, take charge of your journey, and pave the way to your aspirations. Embrace challenges, innovate, learn, adapt, and persist. Remember, success isn’t something bestowed upon the passive; it’s claimed by the proactive and persistent.

Go out, take charge, and make success yours!

Sherlock vs AI

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the timeless brilliance of Sherlock Holmes stands as an icon of deductive reasoning and astute observation. However, in an era dominated by the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI), one can’t help but wonder: How would Sherlock Holmes fare in a world where machines possess unparalleled analytical capabilities?

The essence of Sherlock Holmes lies in his exceptional powers of deduction, honed through acute observation and logical reasoning. His ability to glean intricate details from seemingly mundane observations sets him apart. Yet, in today’s context, AI algorithms are designed to process vast amounts of data, analyze patterns, and derive conclusions at an unprecedented speed and scale. Could even Holmes match the computational prowess of these AI systems?

Holmes’ methodology, though founded on human intuition and meticulous analysis, might find formidable competition in AI. Machine learning models excel at recognizing complex patterns across extensive datasets, making them proficient in tasks like data analysis, fraud detection, and even diagnosing medical conditions. The speed and accuracy with which AI algorithms operate often surpass human capabilities, potentially outshining Holmes in areas requiring sheer volume and velocity of data processing.

However, where Sherlock Holmes might maintain an edge is in his uniquely human traits. His intuition, creativity, and emotional intelligence provide a depth of understanding that machines, with their rigid programming, struggle to replicate. Holmes’ ability to empathize, understand motives, and perceive nuances of human behavior goes beyond raw data analysis—an area where AI still struggles to excel.

Moreover, Holmes’ capacity for imaginative leaps and “out-of-the-box” thinking, often fueled by his vast knowledge across diverse subjects, remains an aspect where AI currently lags. While AI can process and analyze information, it lacks the inherent curiosity and improvisational skills that enable Holmes to connect seemingly unrelated dots and arrive at groundbreaking conclusions.

In a hypothetical competition against AI, Holmes might harness technology as an ally rather than a rival. He’d likely leverage AI’s capabilities to sift through vast amounts of data swiftly, allowing him more time to focus on the human elements of his investigations. Utilizing AI tools for data collection and initial analysis could free Holmes to delve deeper into the psychological and emotional aspects of cases, areas where his true expertise lies.

Ultimately, the contrast between Sherlock Holmes and AI isn’t a matter of one replacing the other. Instead, it highlights the synergy between human intellect and technological advancement. Holmes’ methods, while classic and rooted in human cognition, could be augmented and enhanced by the precision and speed offered by AI, creating a formidable partnership that marries the best of both worlds.

In a world dominated by AI, Sherlock Holmes’ legacy endures not just as a master detective but as a testament to the enduring value of human intuition, creativity, and the unending quest for knowledge—a beacon guiding us in navigating the ever-expanding realm of technology.

Well Architected for Industry

Microsoft has announced a new set of principles called “Well-Architected for Industry” that provides prescriptive guidance to improve the quality of industry solution deployments. The framework consists of five pillars of architectural excellence including reliability, cost optimization, operational excellence, performance efficiency, and security. The guiding principles can be used to improve the quality of industry cloud workloads.

The framework is intended to provide substantial benefits to partners and customers. For instance, a partner hired to configure Microsoft Sustainability Manager can leverage the framework to design reliable and scalable architecture to build their customer’s carbon emission calculations and reporting workloads. By incorporating security practices, the partner can ensure robust data protection and compliance with industry standards. Additionally, the framework’s performance optimization guidance enables the partner to enhance the application’s responsiveness and user experience.

The Well-Architected for Industry framework is starting with Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability. It is a comprehensive and extensible solution that brings together a set of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) capabilities from Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Dynamics 365, and solutions from our global ecosystem of partners. Microsoft Sustainability Manager, a Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability solution, is being expanded to give customers fuller visibility into their environmental impact across carbon, water, and waste. New capabilities will help customers create a comprehensive ESG data estate and prepare them to meet new reporting requirements. The Well-Architected for Industry framework provides context-relevant implementation guidance to support the entire solution development lifecycle starting from design and architecting to operational monitoring. Project Managers, Solution Architects, Developers, operational team members, and System Administrators can benefit by applying these pillars to their workloads.

Another one Microsoft starts with is the Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services provides capabilities to manage financial services data at scale and makes it easier for financial services organizations to deliver differentiated experiences, empower employees, and combat financial crime. It also facilitates security, compliance, and interoperability. The Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services is an end-to-end solution designed for even the most complex control frameworks and regulatory requirements. By integrating existing and new capabilities in Microsoft 365, Azure, Dynamics 365, and Microsoft Power Platform, Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services unlocks unprecedented value. With Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services, financial institutions and insurers of all sizes can optimize costs, reduce time to value, enhance collaboration, and use data and AI to deliver more impactful business outcomes—whether transforming customer and client experiences, empowering employees, managing risk, or modernizing core systems. The security, compliance, and scale of the Microsoft Cloud, combined with our global partner ecosystem, provide a trusted foundation for efficient operations today and sustainable growth tomorrow.

The five pillars of architectural excellence in the “Well-Architected for Industry” framework are:

  1. Reliability: The ability of a system to recover from failures and continue to function.
  2. Cost Optimization: The ability to run systems efficiently and cost-effectively.
  3. Operational Excellence: The ability to operate and monitor systems to deliver business value and to continually improve supporting processes and procedures.
  4. Performance Efficiency: The ability to use computing resources efficiently to meet system requirements and to maintain that efficiency as demand changes and technologies evolve.
  5. Security: The ability to protect information, systems, and assets while delivering business value through risk assessments and mitigation strategies.

These pillars provide prescriptive guidance to improve the quality of industry solution deployments.

Not too late to FSOSD certified for FREE!

Make this your Year End Technology Improvement promise!

Are you a developer who wants to contribute to open source projects in the financial industry? Do you want to demonstrate your skills and knowledge of open source best practices, licensing, ethics, and regulation? If so, you might be interested in the FINOS Financial Services Certified Open Source Developer (FSOSD) certification.

The FSOSD certification is a new credential offered by the Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS) and the Linux Foundation Training and Certification. It is designed for software engineers, open source developers, DevOps engineers, FinOps practitioners, or information security teams working in financial institutions, fintech, or technology vendors and consultants operating in the financial industry.

The FSOSD certification exam covers the following domains and competencies:

  • Ethics and Behavior
  • Open Source Licensing
  • Consuming Open Source
  • Contributing to Open Source
  • Regulatory Impact on Open Source
  • And more!

A certified FSOSD will have demonstrated a firm conceptual understanding of how open source contribution should occur within the finance industry. They will also have the practical skills to use open source tools and platforms, such as GitHub, GitLab, and FINOS projects.

The good news is that the FSOSD certification exam is currently in beta, which means you can take it at a discounted price (free of charge!) and help shape the future of the certification. The beta exam is an online, proctored, multiple-choice exam with 60 questions. You will have 90 minutes to complete it. The beta exam is available until January 4, 2024, or until all seats are filled.

To register for the beta exam, you need to use a special code that will give you an 80% discount on the exam fee. To get your code, please do reach out to Rob Moffat. You can use this code on the exam registration page. Hurry up, because the code is valid for a limited number of seats and they might fill up quickly.

If you successfully pass the beta exam, you will receive your FSOSD certification and free t-shirt from the Linux Foundation. You will also be among the first to join the elite group of certified open source developers in the financial industry – and spare the 250$ cost of taking the exam normally.

To prepare for the beta exam, you should review the exam details and the skills outline. You should also have hands-on experience with open source projects in the financial industry. You can find some learning resources on the FINOS website and you can also check out the FINOS Open Source Readiness program for more guidance and support.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get certified as a FINOS Financial Services Open Source Developer. Register for the beta exam today and show the world your open source skills and knowledge. Good luck!

Bridging the understanding / explanation gap

Communication is a complex dance where understanding meets explanation. However, there exists a paradox: one person’s inability to comprehend might seem like another’s inability to elucidate. This paradox often leads to frustration, misinterpretation, and a breakdown in communication. Understanding this paradox and finding solutions becomes pivotal in fostering effective communication.

The Paradox Unveiled

Imagine a scenario where Alice explains a concept to Bob. Despite Alice’s efforts to articulate clearly, Bob struggles to grasp the idea. From Alice’s perspective, she believes she has explained it thoroughly. However, Bob’s confusion persists, leading Alice to perceive his inability to understand as a lack of effort or attentiveness.

Conversely, from Bob’s viewpoint, Alice’s explanation seems convoluted or unclear. His inability to comprehend might stem from various factors—lack of context, differing cognitive styles, or even the complexity of the subject matter itself. Bob’s frustration mounts as he perceives Alice’s inability to explain in a way he can comprehend.

The Solution: Bridging the Gulf

  1. Empathy and Patience: Cultivating empathy and patience is crucial. Both parties must acknowledge that their perspectives differ, and patience is key to understanding these differences.
  2. Active Listening: Encourage active listening to enhance comprehension. Both the explainer and the listener should engage in attentive listening to bridge the gap between understanding and explanation.
  3. Adaptability in Communication: Flexibility in communication styles is paramount. Explainers must adjust their approach to match the listener’s preferences, whether it’s visual aids, storytelling, or practical examples.
  4. Clarification and Feedback: Encourage a feedback loop where the listener can ask for clarification without hesitation. Similarly, explainers should seek feedback to ensure their message is being understood.
  5. Simplify and Analogize: Complex concepts can be simplified by breaking them down into smaller, relatable parts. Analogies or real-life examples often aid in conveying abstract ideas effectively.
  6. Contextualization: Providing context helps in understanding. Explainers should ensure that the necessary background information is provided, allowing the listener to connect the dots more easily.


The paradox of understanding and explanation is a common challenge in interpersonal communication. It’s crucial to recognize that these perceived inadequacies aren’t necessarily due to a lack of effort or capability on either side. By fostering empathy, patience, active listening, adaptability, clarification, simplification, and contextualization, individuals can bridge this gap and foster clearer, more effective communication.

Understanding and explaining are symbiotic processes that require collaboration and a willingness to adapt. By implementing these strategies, we can move towards a communication landscape where understanding isn’t an elusive concept but a shared reality.

Why Benchmarking Your Code Matters

In the realm of programming, optimizing code for performance is akin to fine-tuning a well-oiled machine. One of the critical tools in achieving this optimization is benchmarking. Benchmarking refers to the process of measuring the performance of your code, comparing it against various parameters, and iterating to enhance its efficiency. Here are compelling reasons why benchmarking your code is an indispensable practice:

Performance Optimization

Benchmarking serves as a compass to navigate the complexities of code performance. By assessing execution times, memory usage, and other metrics, developers can pinpoint bottlenecks and areas for improvement. This data-driven approach empowers them to fine-tune algorithms, optimize data structures, and enhance overall system performance.

Identifying and Eliminating Bottlenecks

In intricate software systems, inefficiencies often lurk in unexpected places. Benchmarking helps pinpoint these bottlenecks, enabling developers to focus their efforts on specific areas that require optimization. Whether it’s inefficient loops, memory leaks, or suboptimal algorithms, benchmarking sheds light on these areas, allowing for targeted enhancements.

Comparison against Alternatives

When faced with multiple implementation choices or algorithms, benchmarking provides empirical evidence to support decision-making. It facilitates a side-by-side comparison, allowing developers to select the most efficient solution based on actual performance metrics rather than theoretical assumptions.

Preventing Performance Regressions

As software evolves, new features and changes might inadvertently introduce performance regressions. Regular benchmarking acts as a safety net by detecting any performance degradation early in the development cycle. This proactive approach helps maintain and even enhance the overall performance of the codebase.

Validating Optimization Efforts

When implementing optimizations, it’s crucial to verify their impact. Benchmarking allows developers to validate whether their optimizations result in actual performance improvements. This validation ensures that the efforts put into enhancing the codebase yield tangible benefits.

Enhancing User Experience

Efficient code directly translates to a better user experience. Faster load times, smoother interactions, and optimized resource usage contribute to a more responsive and enjoyable software experience for users.

Cultivating a Performance-Oriented Culture

By integrating benchmarking into the development process, teams foster a culture that prioritizes performance. It encourages continuous improvement, knowledge sharing, and a collective effort toward creating efficient and high-performing software.

In conclusion, benchmarking is not merely a tool; it’s a guiding principle for creating high-performance software. By regularly evaluating and optimizing code through benchmarking, developers pave the way for enhanced efficiency, better user experiences, and a more robust foundation for future innovations.

So I’m a .NET guy – what should I use for .NET?

Unlocking Code Performance Excellence with BenchmarkDotNet

In the quest for optimal code performance within the .NET ecosystem, BenchmarkDotNet stands tall as an indispensable tool, offering a suite of features that elevate code benchmarking to a whole new level. Here’s why BenchmarkDotNet reigns supreme as the go-to library for performance measurement and optimization:

Simplicity and Ease of Use

BenchmarkDotNet simplifies the benchmarking process with its intuitive syntax and straightforward setup. Its attribute-based model allows developers to create benchmarks quickly, focusing on the code’s performance rather than wrestling with complex configurations.

Extensive Platform Support

Supporting a wide array of platforms and frameworks within the .NET ecosystem, BenchmarkDotNet is versatile. Whether targeting .NET Framework, .NET Core, or the latest .NET platforms, it seamlessly adapts to various environments, ensuring consistent and reliable benchmarking across different setups.

Robust Statistical Analysis

Beyond merely measuring execution times, BenchmarkDotNet excels in statistical analysis. It provides robust statistical summaries, aiding developers in making informed decisions based on reliable metrics. This statistical prowess ensures accuracy in identifying performance variations and trends.

Flexible Configuration Options

Despite its simplicity, BenchmarkDotNet offers a rich set of configuration options. Developers can fine-tune benchmarks by customizing iterations, changing run settings, adjusting environment variables, and much more. This flexibility empowers users to tailor benchmarks to their specific needs.

Automatic Infrastructure Management

BenchmarkDotNet takes care of the benchmarking infrastructure, automatically handling warm-up periods, overhead calculations, and other intricacies involved in accurate performance measurements. This automation allows developers to focus solely on writing and optimizing their code.

Visualizations and Reporting

The library provides comprehensive visualizations and detailed reports, making it effortless to interpret benchmark results. Through clear charts, graphs, and statistical summaries, developers gain deeper insights into their code’s performance characteristics.

Active Community and Continuous Development

Benefiting from an active community and continuous development, BenchmarkDotNet receives regular updates, improvements, and bug fixes. Its community-driven nature ensures ongoing support and a constantly evolving toolset that adapts to the latest advancements in the .NET ecosystem.

Integration with CI/CD Pipelines

BenchmarkDotNet seamlessly integrates with Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. This integration facilitates automated performance testing, ensuring that code changes don’t degrade performance inadvertently.

In essence, BenchmarkDotNet isn’t just a benchmarking library; it’s a comprehensive toolkit designed to elevate code performance to new heights within the .NET ecosystem. Its user-friendly nature, robust statistical analysis, and adaptability make it an invaluable asset for developers striving to create high-performance and efficient software. With BenchmarkDotNet, optimizing code performance becomes not just a goal, but an achievable reality.

So, in a nutshell – do benchmark, and if you on .NET, do it with BenchmarkDotNet!

Tablee des Chefs 2023 – fundraising gala!

There are a range of different organizations I do help via giving back – mostly using my skills, like Spectry, Skool, and – La Tablee des Chefs. It is a Canadian organization that encourages the youth to learn culinary skills and become aware of nutritional information regarding food preparation – they are engaging 150+ schools in Canada.

Morgan Stanley, through Code to Give, has committed to this organization 2 years ago to build a mobile application to be used to share information, learning plans, create a social network and maintain engagement with the youth. It contains advanced recipe searches, by cuisine type, dietary concerns, ingredients, etc. The application also provides up to date information on the calculated ecological impact of the meals and allows you to substitute ingredients to see how that changes the carbon footprint and other environmental factors.

At their annual Montreal fundraising gala, we were honored as participants acknowledging Morgan Stanley’s contributions. Jonathan Brunette, Keval Prabhudesai, Olivier Beau were there in person, and Ferenc Hubicsak and me were waiting for the reactions from the digital sidelines.

The fundraising brought in over $500.000 CAD in on night – a nice accomplishment for sure!

FINOS All Community Call Recap & memes

Last week, had their yearly All Community Call Recap – please do watch the recording and check out the deck.

So, as I was watching the recap and was preparing for my section (together with Keith O’Donnell, we were talking about ), I could not miss that I was mentioned once… twice… three times… up to five times in 60 minutes. And I wasn’t the only one spotting this – after the 3rd one I started to get memes from
people, let me share a little selection here 🙂

* want to mention Dov Katz, Brian Ingenito, Stephen Goldbaum, Rita Chaturvedi, Matthew Bain, Mimi Flynn, Alvin Shih, Amol Shukla, Paul Stevenson, Attila Mihaly, Ferenc Hubicsak, and more, who contributed significantly to FINOS from Morgan Stanley.

So, looking forward to a fun 2024, in my new roles at FINOS (Open Source Readiness, InnerSource, Emerging Technologies, and Technical Oversight Committee), and driving Big Boost Mondays in NYC – see you at an upcoming session (like the one tonight)!