Embrace your self-worth value

Far from the first time I’m touching the topic of imposter syndrome – you know, this might be a way for me to fight it, actually.

brown wooden blocks with number
Photo by Brett Jordan on Pexels.com

Understanding Your Intrinsic Worth: Mel Robbins’ Quote

In a world where validation often comes from external sources, Mel Robbins’ quote stands as a poignant reminder of self-value and self-perception. “There will always be someone who can’t see your worth. Don’t let it be you.” These words encapsulate a profound truth that echoes through the corridors of self-esteem and personal validation.

Acknowledging External Perceptions

The quote touches upon the inevitability of encountering individuals who may fail to recognize your true worth. Society, with its myriad perspectives and biases, often dictates value through its own lens, sometimes disregarding the essence of an individual’s true worth. It could be a boss overlooking your contributions, a peer undermining your efforts, or even societal norms imposing unrealistic standards.

The Power of Self-Perception

However, the crux lies in one’s own perception. The pivotal message within Robbins’ words is the importance of self-assessment and self-acknowledgment. It’s about not internalizing or adopting the limited perceptions of others as a measure of personal value.

Cultivating Self-Worth

Cultivating a strong sense of self-worth involves understanding one’s strengths, acknowledging accomplishments, and embracing imperfections. It’s about recognizing that inherent value isn’t contingent upon external validation. Instead, it springs from a deep understanding and appreciation of one’s unique qualities, experiences, and potential.

Empowerment through Self-Validation

Robbins’ quote is a call to action—an invitation to empower oneself by taking charge of one’s narrative. By reframing self-perception and detaching it from external judgments, individuals can harness the power to recognize and appreciate their worth irrespective of others’ opinions.


Mel Robbins’ quote encapsulates a profound truth about self-worth—one that resonates across cultures and times. It serves as a guiding beacon, encouraging individuals to embrace their intrinsic value, irrespective of the limitations others may impose. It’s a reminder to be the guardian of one’s own worth, refusing to let external perceptions cloud the understanding of one’s true essence. Ultimately, it’s an affirmation of the importance of self-belief in navigating the intricacies of life.

Strategies for combating confirmation bias

Confirmation bias, the tendency to seek out information that aligns with our beliefs while ignoring contradictory evidence, is a pervasive cognitive bias affecting decision-making and critical thinking. Overcoming this bias requires intentional strategies and mindfulness. Here’s a guide on combating confirmation bias:

woman holding mirror against her head in the middle of forest
Photo by Tasha Kamrowski on Pexels.com

1. Recognize Your Biases

Acknowledging that everyone has biases is the first step. Be aware of your predispositions and understand how they influence your perceptions and judgments.

2. Seek Diverse Perspectives

Actively expose yourself to different viewpoints and sources of information. Engage with diverse opinions, cultures, and ideologies to broaden your understanding.

3. Question Your Assumptions

Challenge your own beliefs by asking critical questions. Assess the evidence objectively and consider alternative explanations before drawing conclusions.

4. Practice Mindful Evaluation

Evaluate information systematically. Fact-check sources, cross-verify information, and question the reliability of data before accepting it as true.

5. Encourage Constructive Disagreement

Embrace debates and discussions with people who hold opposing views. Constructive disagreement fosters learning and helps in uncovering blind spots.

6. Develop Critical Thinking Skills

Enhance your critical thinking abilities by learning logic, reasoning, and scientific methods. Apply these skills to analyze information objectively.

7. Stay Open-Minded

Cultivate an open-minded approach. Be willing to change your opinions in the face of new, compelling evidence. Flexibility in thinking is crucial.

8. Pause and Reflect

Before making decisions or forming conclusions, take a moment to reflect. Consider whether your judgments are influenced by bias and consciously reassess them.

9. Create Decision-Making Processes

Establish decision-making frameworks that encourage deliberation, multiple perspectives, and scrutiny to minimize the impact of biases.

10. Continuous Learning

Embrace a continuous learning mindset. Stay curious, be receptive to new information, and adapt your beliefs based on reliable evidence.


By acknowledging and actively addressing confirmation bias, individuals can enhance their decision-making processes and foster a more inclusive and informed worldview. Embracing diverse perspectives, cultivating critical thinking skills, and maintaining an open-minded approach are key in combating confirmation bias.

Remember, while complete elimination of bias might be impossible, consistent efforts to mitigate it can lead to more rational and objective decision-making.

Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big?

“In recent years”, language models have seen exponential growth in size and complexity, leading to the development of immensely powerful AI systems capable of generating human-like text. However, this advancement hasn’t come without concerns, and one of the significant debates revolves around the concept of “Stochastic Parrots” – the potential dangers of excessively large language models.

The Rise of Stochastic Parrots

Stochastic Parrots refer to AI models that, despite their remarkable capabilities, may merely mimic human language without true comprehension or critical thinking. As models grow in size and absorb more data, they become proficient at regurgitating information without genuinely understanding it. This phenomenon raises profound ethical, societal, and technical questions.

Ethical Concerns

The ethical concerns surrounding these expansive models are multifaceted. Firstly, they can perpetuate biases present in the data they are trained on, leading to biased or discriminatory outputs. Moreover, the environmental impact of training and maintaining colossal models cannot be ignored, as they demand immense computational resources, contributing significantly to carbon emissions.

Societal Implications

Language models wield tremendous influence in various domains, from content generation to decision-making processes. However, an overreliance on these models can result in a decrease in critical thinking and creativity among users. Moreover, the propagation of misinformation or malicious content at an unprecedented scale poses a serious threat to society.

Technical Challenges

Apart from ethical and societal issues, the sheer size of these models presents technical challenges. Handling, fine-tuning, and deploying such massive systems require substantial computational power and expertise, limiting access to smaller organizations or researchers with fewer resources.

Addressing the Challenges

Addressing the dangers posed by Stochastic Parrots requires a multi-pronged approach. This includes developing techniques to mitigate biases in training data, promoting transparency and accountability in AI systems, and fostering research into smaller, more efficient models that balance performance with ethical considerations.


While large language models undoubtedly showcase the immense potential of AI, they also come with inherent risks and challenges. As we continue to push the boundaries of AI technology, it becomes imperative to weigh the benefits against the risks and work towards the responsible and ethical development of these powerful tools.

In the pursuit of innovation, it’s crucial to ensure that the evolution of language models aligns with the broader goals of societal well-being, ethical usage, and environmental sustainability.

Do I still need to do math?

While I was helping with Gauss elimination my sons, I started to think about – beside that I can now teach them these skills, do I still need to do math, as an adult? The answer is: Absolutely, math skills play a pivotal role in adult life, especially in career development. While many of us might have breathed a sigh of relief after completing our last math class in school, the reality is that mathematical abilities remain highly relevant and impactful in numerous professions. Here’s an exploration of how math skills continue to be crucial for career growth and development in adulthood.

Problem-Solving and Analytical Thinking

Mathematics cultivates problem-solving and analytical thinking, both of which are invaluable in the professional world. In virtually every field, adults encounter challenges that require logical reasoning and critical analysis. Whether it’s in finance, engineering, computer science, medicine, or even in everyday scenarios like budgeting or interpreting data, the ability to dissect problems and derive solutions is greatly enhanced by a solid mathematical foundation.

Financial Management and Economics

In the realm of personal finance, math skills are indispensable. Understanding budgets, calculating investments, managing debt, and comprehending interest rates are vital aspects of financial literacy. For those pursuing careers in finance, accounting, economics, or business, mathematical prowess is the backbone of decision-making processes, risk assessment, and strategic planning.

Technology and Data Analysis

With the rapid advancement of technology, data has become a cornerstone of many professions. From marketing and healthcare to manufacturing and research, data analysis drives decision-making. Proficiency in mathematics, including statistics and algorithms, empowers individuals to make sense of complex datasets, derive meaningful insights, and predict trends. This skill is increasingly sought after in tech-driven industries and fields like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science.

Engineering and Sciences

In engineering disciplines, mathematics serves as the language of problem-solving. Concepts from calculus, algebra, and geometry are foundational in designing structures, developing innovations, and understanding physical phenomena. Similarly, in scientific fields such as physics, chemistry, and biology, mathematical models and formulas are essential for hypothesis testing, experimentation, and making scientific advancements.

Career Advancement and Adaptability

Moreover, possessing strong math skills enhances one’s adaptability and opens doors to diverse career opportunities. In a rapidly evolving job market, individuals with a solid mathematical background often find it easier to upskill or transition between professions. The ability to quickly grasp quantitative concepts and adapt to new technologies gives professionals a competitive edge in various industries.


In essence, math skills remain pertinent throughout adulthood, playing a pivotal role in career development and advancement. They provide a framework for problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making that transcends specific job roles or industries. Embracing and honing these skills not only fosters personal growth but also significantly enhances one’s professional capabilities in an increasingly complex and data-driven world. Therefore, whether it’s calculating budgets, analyzing trends, or designing innovative solutions, the relevance of math skills in adult life cannot be overstated.

Harnessing the Past

In the journey toward a fulfilling career, the past often holds the key to unlocking future success. Our experiences, both triumphs and missteps, serve as invaluable guides, shaping our professional trajectories in profound ways. Reflecting on the past and learning from our errors can be transformative, offering insights that propel us toward growth and success.

Mistakes, often perceived as setbacks, are in fact stepping stones to progress. They provide a wealth of lessons, teaching us about ourselves, our capabilities, and the intricacies of our chosen paths. Embracing these lessons can fundamentally alter our approach to career building.

Embracing Failure as a Catalyst for Growth

Failure, an inherent part of any career journey, is not the end but a springboard for advancement. Each error unveils areas for improvement, signaling where we need to recalibrate our strategies or enhance our skills. Instead of fearing failure, successful individuals learn to embrace it, seeing it as a necessary element in the pursuit of excellence.

For instance, entrepreneurs often encounter multiple setbacks before achieving success. Their ability to learn from past mistakes, pivot, and adapt their approaches is what ultimately propels them forward. They understand that errors provide crucial insights that refine their business models and strategies.

Leveraging Experience for Informed Decision-Making

Reflection on past decisions, especially those that led to unfavorable outcomes, equips us with a deeper understanding of cause and effect. This insight becomes a valuable asset in making informed decisions in the future. Whether it’s choosing a career path, navigating a project, or making crucial business decisions, drawing upon past experiences helps in mitigating risks and optimizing outcomes.

In a career context, professionals who analyze their past choices are better equipped to identify patterns, anticipate challenges, and make calculated decisions. They utilize their errors as case studies, enhancing their problem-solving abilities and decision-making acumen.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset

The mindset with which we approach our past errors significantly impacts our future endeavors. Adopting a growth mindset, popularized by psychologist Carol Dweck, involves viewing challenges and failures as opportunities for growth rather than fixed setbacks. This mindset shift reframes errors as avenues for learning and development.

In a career context, individuals with a growth mindset are more resilient in the face of adversity. They bounce back from setbacks, leveraging their experiences to continuously evolve and improve. This mindset fosters innovation, adaptability, and a willingness to take calculated risks, essential traits for career advancement.


Our past, characterized by both successes and errors, is a treasure trove of wisdom waiting to be unearthed. From failed ventures to misguided decisions, each experience holds the potential to shape a brighter, more successful future. By embracing our errors, learning from them, and leveraging these lessons, we fortify our careers with invaluable insights that steer us toward growth and accomplishment. As we navigate the complexities of career building, let us not overlook the invaluable teachings that lie within our past, for therein lies the blueprint for a more prosperous future.

Finding What Makes Your Heart Smile

In the symphony of life, amidst the daily hustle and bustle, we often find ourselves chasing after success, achievements, and external validations. In this pursuit, we sometimes overlook the essence of what truly brings us joy and contentment. The quest to find what makes our hearts smile is a journey that leads us back to our core, our passions, and the simple yet profound things that ignite a genuine sense of happiness within us.

Each person’s journey to discovering what brings them joy is as unique as a fingerprint. It begins with introspection, a moment of pause amid life’s whirlwind, where we take the time to reflect on what truly makes us feel alive. It’s about reconnecting with our inner child, rekindling the flames of curiosity, and exploring the activities or moments that evoke a genuine sense of happiness.

Often, what makes our hearts smile resides in the simple joys of life—the laughter shared with loved ones, the warmth of a sunrise, the embrace of nature, the melodies that resonate within us, or the act of creating something with our own hands. It might be found in hobbies like painting, writing, gardening, cooking, or in activities that make us feel fully engaged and present.

The pursuit of what makes our hearts smile requires an open mind and a willingness to step out of comfort zones. It beckons us to try new experiences, explore diverse cultures, or simply experiment with different facets of life until we stumble upon that which resonates deeply within us.

Sometimes, it’s not about grand gestures or monumental achievements but rather the small, everyday moments that bring us immense joy. It might be the smile exchanged with a stranger, the satisfaction of helping someone in need, or the peacefulness of a quiet moment spent in solitude.

However, this pursuit is not always straightforward. Life’s complexities, responsibilities, and societal expectations can create a fog that obscures our path to joy. It’s essential to declutter our minds, strip away the noise, and actively listen to our inner selves. Mindfulness practices, journaling, meditation, or seeking guidance from mentors or therapists can aid in this process of self-discovery.

Moreover, allowing ourselves the freedom to evolve and change our pursuits is vital. What made our hearts smile in the past might not necessarily bring the same joy in the present. Embracing this evolution and being open to discovering new passions is key to continuous fulfillment and happiness.

Ultimately, the quest to find what makes our hearts smile is not just about personal gratification; it’s about nurturing our well-being, fostering resilience, and cultivating a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us. It’s about leading a more authentic, purposeful life guided by the pursuit of joy.

In conclusion, amidst life’s complexities, finding what makes our hearts smile is an odyssey that beckons us to delve within, explore the world around us, and embrace the myriad of experiences that evoke genuine happiness. It’s about cherishing the small moments, discovering our passions, and nurturing our souls. As we embark on this journey, let us remember that the truest joy often resides in the simplest of things, waiting for us to notice and embrace it.

So, take a moment, listen closely to your heart’s whispers, and embark on the beautiful journey of finding what truly makes your heart smile.

New supertypeface

Monaspace is a new type system that advances the state of the art for the display of code on screen. It consists of five fonts, each with a distinct voice, but all compatible with one another. You can mix and match them to create more expressive and beautiful code. Monaspace is an exploration from GitHub Next, a team of designers and engineers who are passionate about the future of coding. Monaspace is free and open source, and you can download it from here.

Monaspace is not just a font, it’s a new way of seeing your code. 🚀

The five fonts that make up Monaspace are:

  • Neon: A neo-grotesque sans serif that is clean and modern. It has a geometric and minimalist design, with a subtle texture that adds warmth and character. Neon is ideal for code that needs clarity and simplicity.
  • Argon: A humanist sans serif that is friendly and elegant. It has a natural and organic design, with a smooth and fluid shape. Argon is ideal for code that needs personality and grace.
  • Xenon: A slab serif that is bold and confident. It has a sturdy and robust design, with a strong and solid structure. Xenon is ideal for code that needs authority and impact.
  • Radon: A handwriting font that is playful and creative. It has a whimsical and quirky design, with a lively and dynamic movement. Radon is ideal for code that needs fun and flair.
  • Krypton: A mechanical sans serif that is futuristic and cool. It has a technical and precise design, with a sharp and angular edge. Krypton is ideal for code that needs innovation and style.

Each font has three variable axes: weight, width, and slant. You can adjust these axes to fine-tune the appearance and expression of your code. For example, you can make your code lighter or bolder, narrower or wider, upright or italic. You can also use the texture axis to add or remove the subtle noise effect that gives Monaspace its unique charm.

Monaspace also supports coding ligatures, which are special glyphs that combine two or more characters into one. Coding ligatures can make your code more readable and compact, by reducing visual clutter and enhancing semantic meaning. Monaspace has eight groups of coding ligatures, separated into stylistic sets. You can enable or disable individual sets selectively, depending on your preference and coding language.

Monaspace is designed to be seamlessly mixed and matched. You can use different fonts for different parts of your code, to layer more meaning and hierarchy. For example, you can use Neon for comments, Argon for variables, Xenon for keywords, Radon for strings, and Krypton for operators. You can also use different weights, widths, and slants for different purposes, such as highlighting errors, warnings, or suggestions.

Monaspace is a revolutionary type system that reimagines the way we write and read code. It offers a more expressive and beautiful typographical palette, that goes beyond colors and bolder weights. It is a font for the future of coding, and you can try it today. Download Monaspace from here and see your code in a new light. 💡

When AI imitation is a limitation

When I was watching a recent presentation from good friend Andras Velvart and seeing a small demo of his augmented reality Rubik cube solver, it reminded me when he was training the image recognition AI. Instead of taking ten of thousands of real photos of a Rubik cube in front of various backgrounds, he actually generated images of a rendered cube in front of random backgrounds. So, instead of the system taught on human generated data, it leaned on machine generated one. Quite a few years later, we are not closing this gap, rather, figuring out how he was probably ahead of the curve – as an Al can never become super-human just by imitating human data alone.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made remarkable strides in replicating human-like abilities. From speech recognition to decision-making, AI systems are continuously learning from vast amounts of human-generated data. However, despite these advancements, the notion that an AI can transcend human capabilities solely by imitating human data remains a contested proposition.

The fundamental premise of AI development often revolves around training models on extensive datasets derived from human behavior, language patterns, and problem-solving methodologies. These datasets serve as the foundation upon which AI systems learn and make predictions or decisions. Yet, this approach encounters intrinsic limitations when aspiring to create superhuman intelligence.

Humans possess a complex amalgamation of experiences, emotions, intuition, and creativity that shape our decision-making processes. While AI can mimic these processes to a certain extent based on historical data, it lacks the depth of understanding and genuine comprehension that characterizes human cognition.

Imitation can only go so far. AI systems, no matter how sophisticated, operate within the confines of the information they are fed. They lack the innate ability to adapt, comprehend context, or think abstractly beyond the patterns ingrained in their training data. They can’t inherently grasp novel situations or invent entirely new concepts without explicit guidance or precedent from existing data.

Furthermore, human intelligence encompasses empathy, ethical considerations, and moral judgment—facets that arise from experiences, culture, and societal norms. Teaching an AI these abstract and subjective concepts purely through data ingestion poses significant challenges, as these elements are often nuanced and context-dependent, difficult to quantify or represent in raw data alone.

The quest for superhuman AI necessitates advancements beyond the boundaries of data imitation. It demands innovations in AI architectures, such as designing systems capable of genuine reasoning, abstraction, and self-learning—characteristics that transcend mimicry and draw inspiration from human cognition but operate on an entirely different level.

Moreover, achieving superhuman intelligence requires addressing ethical concerns and ensuring that AI systems, while emulating human intelligence to some extent, do not replicate human biases or make decisions that conflict with moral or ethical standards.

In conclusion, while AI has demonstrated remarkable capabilities in imitating human intelligence based on data, the path to superhuman intelligence diverges from mere imitation. True advancements will arise from innovations that enable AI systems to transcend the limitations of data-driven learning, fostering genuine comprehension, abstract reasoning, and ethical judgment—elements that define the essence of superhuman intelligence.

The good remote boss guide

I am in the not necessarily rare situation to haven’t met most my directs. In this increasingly remote work landscape, the role of a boss has evolved to accommodate distributed teams. Here are some key strategies to become a successful remote boss:

  1. Clear Communication
    Establish Expectations: Clearly define goals, deadlines, and KPIs to ensure everyone knows what’s expected.
    Utilize Various Channels: Leverage tools like video calls, chat platforms, and emails to maintain open communication.
  2. Trust and Autonomy
    Empowerment: Trust your team to deliver without micromanaging. Offer autonomy to let them thrive.
    Regular Check-ins: Balance autonomy with periodic check-ins to offer support and guidance.
  3. Provide Necessary Resources
    Technology and Tools: Ensure your team has access to the necessary software, equipment, and resources to perform their tasks efficiently.
    Training and Support: Offer training sessions and support to navigate remote work challenges.
  4. Encourage Collaboration
    Team Building: Organize virtual team-building activities or casual chats to foster a sense of camaraderie.
    Utilize Collaboration Tools: Platforms for shared documents and collaborative workspaces enhance teamwork.
  5. Be Flexible and Understanding
    Acknowledge Challenges: Remote work comes with its own set of challenges. Show understanding and flexibility towards personal situations.
    Flexible Schedules: Allow flexibility in work hours to accommodate different time zones or personal needs.
  6. Recognize and Appreciate
    Acknowledge Achievements: Celebrate milestones and achievements openly to boost morale.
    Give Constructive Feedback: Offer constructive feedback to help your team grow and improve.
  7. Lead by Example
    Work-Life Balance: Demonstrate a healthy work-life balance to encourage the same in your team.
    Adaptability: Show adaptability to changes and challenges, setting an example for your team.
  8. Continuous Improvement
    Feedback Loops: Establish regular feedback loops to understand what works and what needs improvement.
    Learn and Adapt: Be open to learning and adapting your leadership style to suit the evolving remote landscape.


Being a good remote boss involves a mix of effective communication, trust-building, resource provision, flexibility, and continuous improvement. By implementing these strategies, remote leaders can foster a productive, engaged, and cohesive remote team.

Enhancing Cost, Education, and Content Experience

The CECE Framework

In today’s digital landscape, where information is readily available and education transcends traditional boundaries, the convergence of cost, education, and content experience has become paramount. The CECE framework stands at the intersection of these elements, offering a holistic approach to optimize learning experiences while considering affordability and content quality.

Cost Efficiency: Making Education Accessible

Education’s value should not be confined by financial barriers. The CECE framework emphasizes cost efficiency by promoting affordable learning solutions. This involves leveraging technology to democratize education through platforms that offer free or low-cost access to quality content. From Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to educational apps and digital libraries, cost-efficient resources empower learners worldwide, fostering a culture of continuous learning regardless of economic constraints.

Educational Excellence: Elevating Learning Standards

While affordability is crucial, the quality of educational content remains equally important. The CECE framework champions educational excellence by curating high-quality, reliable, and comprehensive content. This involves collaborations between educators, subject matter experts, and technologists to ensure that learning materials meet rigorous standards, align with academic curricula, and cater to diverse learning styles. By upholding educational excellence, CECE promotes effective knowledge acquisition and retention.

Content Experience: Engaging and Personalized Learning

A pivotal aspect of the CECE framework is optimizing content experience. Modern learners expect interactive, engaging, and personalized content that resonates with their individual learning preferences. Through adaptive learning technologies, gamification, multimedia resources, and user-centered design, the CECE approach tailors content to learners’ needs. This fosters an immersive and enjoyable learning environment, enhancing comprehension and long-term knowledge retention.

The Synergy of CECE: Balancing Education, Cost, and Experience

The CECE framework thrives on synergy, where cost efficiency, educational excellence, and content experience complement each other. By striking a balance between these elements, CECE transforms the educational landscape, making learning accessible, engaging, and impactful for diverse learners globally.

Embracing CECE in Education and Beyond

Implementing the CECE framework requires collaborative efforts from educators, ed-tech innovators, policymakers, and stakeholders across various sectors. Integrating CECE principles into educational institutions, corporate training programs, and lifelong learning initiatives can revolutionize how individuals access and engage with knowledge.

In conclusion, the CECE framework serves as a guiding principle to optimize the trinity of cost, education, and content experience. By championing affordability, educational excellence, and immersive content, CECE paves the way for a future where learning knows no bounds. Education, when optimized through CECE, becomes a catalyst for empowerment, innovation, and societal progress, fostering a world where knowledge is truly within reach for all.