Upgrade to .NET 8

Why Consider Upgrading to .NET 8?

The release of .NET 8 brings forth a plethora of improvements and features that make it a compelling choice for developers looking to enhance their applications. Here’s a closer look at why transitioning to .NET 8 might be a game-changer for your projects:

1. Performance Enhancements

.NET 8 introduces performance optimizations that can significantly boost the speed and efficiency of applications. From improvements in garbage collection to enhanced runtime performance, your apps can benefit from better responsiveness and scalability.

2. Cross-platform Compatibility

With .NET 8, the focus on cross-platform development remains strong. Whether it’s desktop, mobile, or web applications, .NET 8 provides a unified framework that allows developers to build applications that run seamlessly across various platforms.

3. Language and Framework Updates

This version introduces updates to languages like C# and F#, along with enhancements to existing frameworks, empowering developers with modern tools and functionalities to streamline coding processes and improve productivity.

4. Containerization Support

Containerization has become a standard in modern application development. .NET 8 better integrates with container technologies like Docker, enabling easier deployment and management of applications across different environments.

5. Enhanced Security Features

Security remains a top priority in software development. .NET 8 comes with enhanced security features, such as improved cryptography libraries and security protocols, helping developers build more secure and robust applications.

6. Machine Learning and AI Integration

The integration of ML.NET in .NET 8 enables developers to leverage machine learning and AI capabilities within their applications seamlessly. This empowers the creation of intelligent applications without the need for extensive AI expertise.

7. Long-Term Support (LTS)

.NET 8 is an LTS (Long-Term Support) release, ensuring extended support and updates, making it a stable and reliable choice for long-term projects. This provides a sense of security and continuity for businesses and developers alike.

8. Open Source Community Collaboration

.NET 8 benefits from a thriving open-source community that actively contributes to its growth and improvement. This ensures continuous enhancements, bug fixes, and a vibrant ecosystem around the framework.

9. Migration and Compatibility

Microsoft has put effort into making the migration process smoother, providing tools and resources to aid in transitioning existing applications to .NET 8, ensuring backward compatibility where feasible.


Upgrading to .NET 8 presents a myriad of opportunities for developers and businesses. With its performance improvements, cross-platform capabilities, enhanced security, and a robust development ecosystem, this version promises to elevate the development experience and the quality of applications built on the .NET framework. If you’re considering an upgrade, .NET 8 could be the stepping stone to a more efficient, scalable, and feature-rich application landscape.

The AGI Quest

In the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the pursuit of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) stands as the ultimate goal. AGI refers to machines possessing the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge in a manner equivalent to human intelligence across various tasks and domains. While current AI systems excel in specialized tasks, the ambition is to create a system that comprehensively mimics human cognition.

Unraveling the Significance of AGI

Versatility and Adaptability

AGI represents a monumental leap from specialized AI systems. Rather than excelling in just one domain, AGI aims to emulate the adaptable and versatile nature of human intelligence. This versatility is crucial as it enables machines to navigate diverse tasks, problem-solving scenarios, and domains without the need for extensive reprogramming or fine-tuning for each specific task.

Problem-Solving at Scale

The potential of AGI lies in its ability to process vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and make nuanced decisions across multiple domains simultaneously. This capacity for holistic problem-solving could revolutionize fields ranging from healthcare and education to scientific research and environmental sustainability.

Ethical and Social Implications

As AI continues to integrate into various aspects of society, the ethical and societal implications become increasingly pertinent. AGI holds the promise of enhancing decision-making, streamlining processes, and improving human lives. However, it also raises concerns about job displacement, privacy, autonomy, and the ethical use of such advanced technologies.

Challenges on the Road to AGI

Technical Complexity

Developing AGI involves overcoming multifaceted technical challenges. These include creating systems capable of abstraction, reasoning, creativity, common sense understanding, and emotional intelligence—qualities that are quintessentially human and complex to replicate in machines.

Ethical Considerations

The pursuit of AGI necessitates rigorous ethical frameworks and guidelines to ensure responsible development and deployment. Questions surrounding accountability, biases within algorithms, and control mechanisms are central to the ethical discourse surrounding AGI.

Societal Adaptation

The advent of AGI will likely trigger societal changes, necessitating adaptation in education, workforce preparation, and regulatory frameworks. Preparing for this transformative shift requires proactive measures and collaborative efforts across various sectors.

Conclusion: The Path Forward

While achieving AGI presents challenges, its potential to revolutionize industries, enhance problem-solving capabilities, and improve quality of life is unparalleled. The pursuit of AGI demands not just technological advancements but also a concerted focus on ethical considerations and societal implications. As researchers, developers, policymakers, and ethicists collaborate, the journey towards AGI unfolds, promising a future where intelligent machines complement and augment human capabilities, ultimately reshaping the landscape of possibilities.

Explore, Learn, Embrace, Evolve

Life is an ever-unfolding journey, one that thrives on exploration, learning, embracing new experiences, and evolving through them. The essence of this beautiful journey can be encapsulated in four pivotal words: Explore, Learn, Embrace, and Evolve. These pillars not only define our growth but also shape our understanding of the world around us.


Exploration is the first step toward unlocking the mysteries of life. It’s the unquenchable thirst for knowledge that drives us to venture into the unknown, to seek answers, and to discover new horizons. From the depths of the oceans to the vastness of space, exploration sparks curiosity, broadens our perspectives, and fuels our desire for discovery. Whether it’s exploring different cultures, new ideas, or uncharted territories within ourselves, this journey of exploration often leads to invaluable insights and personal growth.


Learning is the cornerstone of growth. It’s the process of absorbing knowledge, skills, and experiences that shape who we are. Every lesson learned, whether from success or failure, contributes to our personal development. Embracing a mindset that welcomes continuous learning fosters adaptability, resilience, and an ever-expanding understanding of the world. Learning not only empowers us but also enables us to contribute positively to our communities and society at large.


Embracing life in its entirety, with all its ups and downs, is a testament to resilience and acceptance. It involves acknowledging our strengths and weaknesses, celebrating diversity, and finding beauty in every moment, whether joyful or challenging. By embracing change and differences, we cultivate empathy, compassion, and a deeper connection with the world and those around us. Embracing diversity in thoughts, beliefs, and experiences enriches our lives and fosters a more inclusive and harmonious society.


Evolution is the natural progression that occurs when we apply what we’ve explored, learned, and embraced. It’s about continuous growth, improvement, and transformation. As we evolve, we adapt to new circumstances, refine our beliefs, and refine our understanding of ourselves and the world. This constant evolution allows us to become better versions of ourselves, breaking barriers and transcending limitations that once held us back.

The journey through Explore, Learn, Embrace, and Evolve is not linear; it’s a cycle that perpetuates personal development and contributes to the collective growth of humanity. Each step builds upon the other, creating a ripple effect that extends beyond ourselves.

In conclusion, embracing this pathway fosters a life of fulfillment, meaning, and purpose. It’s an invitation to step out of our comfort zones, embrace uncertainty, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. So, let’s venture forth, armed with curiosity, openness, and a hunger for growth, as we explore, learn, embrace, and evolve on this remarkable journey called life.

If it’s out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind too

In life’s intricate dance, there exists a delicate balance between control and surrender. Often, we find ourselves tangled in the web of worrying about things beyond our control. The quote, “If it’s out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind too,” encapsulates a profound truth that holds the key to inner peace and resilience.

The Nature of Control

Human nature inclines towards exerting control. We strive to shape circumstances, relationships, and outcomes according to our desires. However, life’s unpredictability constantly throws situations that defy our control. Whether it’s the weather, others’ opinions, or the unfolding of global events, some aspects remain beyond our reach.

The Weight of Worry

When we obsess over matters we can’t influence, the burden of worry grows heavy. This mental baggage hampers our well-being, sapping our energy and stealing our joy. It distracts us from what we can influence, hindering our ability to make a meaningful impact where it matters.

Embracing the Art of Letting Go

The crux of peace lies in embracing the art of letting go. It’s about acknowledging the boundary between our sphere of influence and the vast expanse beyond it. Acceptance doesn’t imply passivity; rather, it’s an empowering choice. When we release the grip on what’s beyond our control, we liberate ourselves from the shackles of unnecessary stress.

Cultivating a Mindset of Freedom

Nurturing a mindset of freedom involves conscious practices:

  1. Mindfulness: Stay present and focus on the current moment. Mindfulness helps tether our thoughts to the here and now, preventing them from wandering into realms we can’t influence.
  2. Gratitude: Appreciate what you have and the aspects of life within your control. Gratitude shifts the focus from what’s lacking to the abundance present.
  3. Adaptability: Foster adaptability by embracing change. Recognize that adaptability is within your sphere of control, enabling you to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of life.

The Liberation of Mind and Spirit

Granting freedom to what’s beyond your control liberates not just the mind but also the spirit. It opens doors to new possibilities, fuels creativity, and fosters resilience in the face of adversity. By relinquishing the need for absolute control, you reclaim authority over your responses and attitudes.


Life, with its myriad twists and turns, necessitates discernment between what’s within our purview and what isn’t. Understanding that some things deserve freedom from our minds is the cornerstone of a peaceful existence. Embrace the beauty of letting go, and in doing so, you’ll discover a newfound sense of tranquility amidst life’s chaos.

Collaborate, Don’t Fork

The concept of forking has become synonymous with branching out independently on a project. While forking serves its purpose in certain scenarios, it’s essential to recognize when it may not be the most effective approach. Now, we’ll explore the benefits of active innersourcing and why developers should consider collaboration before taking the fork in the road.

The Forking Conundrum

Forking a project has its merits, particularly when diverging goals or irreconcilable differences arise. It allows developers to take a codebase in a new direction, implementing changes that might not align with the original project’s vision. However, forking comes at a cost – it can lead to fragmented efforts, duplicated work, and a loss of synergies that arise from a shared development environment.

Active Innersourcing: A Collaborative Alternative

Active innersourcing advocates for collaboration within an organization by encouraging developers to work together on a shared codebase. Rather than splintering efforts into separate forks, developers contribute to a central repository, fostering an environment of shared knowledge and expertise. This approach enables teams to leverage each other’s strengths, avoid redundant work, and collectively improve the overall quality of the codebase.

Benefits of Active Innersourcing

  1. Knowledge Sharing
    Active innersourcing promotes knowledge sharing among team members. By working together on a central codebase, developers can learn from one another, share best practices, and collectively enhance their skills.
  2. Code Consistency
    Maintaining a single codebase helps ensure consistency across the project. Innersourcing reduces the risk of divergent coding standards and practices that can emerge when forking is the norm.
  3. Reduced Duplication
    Forking often leads to duplicated efforts, with developers solving similar problems in isolation. Active innersourcing mitigates this by encouraging collaboration, reducing redundancy, and improving overall efficiency.
  4. Easier Integration
    When everyone is working within the same codebase, integrating changes becomes a smoother process. This leads to faster development cycles and a more agile response to evolving requirements.

Choosing the right strategy is crucial for success – while forking has its place, active innersourcing offers a compelling alternative that emphasizes collaboration, knowledge sharing, and efficiency. By encouraging developers to stop forking when it’s not essential, organizations can harness the collective power of their teams, resulting in a more unified, efficient, and ultimately successful software development process.

You are what you do – not just what you do well

Kurt Vonnegut, the celebrated American author, often intertwined profound insights into his narratives, offering glimpses of wisdom that transcended the confines of fiction. Among his many thought-provoking musings, his recollection take from his childhood on the purpose of mastering skills stands out: “I don’t think being good at things is the point of doing them. You’ve got all these wonderful experiences with different skills, and that all teaches you things and makes you an interesting person, no matter how well you do them.”

Embracing the Journey Over the Destination

Vonnegut’s words resonate with the idea that the true essence of engaging in various endeavors lies not merely in achieving mastery but in relishing the process itself. The pursuit of excellence, while commendable, should not overshadow the joy derived from exploration and learning.

A Tapestry of Experiences

According to Vonnegut, every skill cultivated, regardless of proficiency, contributes to a rich tapestry of experiences that shape an individual’s character. Mastery isn’t the sole arbitrator of value; rather, it’s the amalgamation of diverse skills and the wisdom garnered from each venture that truly enriches one’s life.

Learning as a Catalyst for Personal Growth

Vonnegut’s perspective underscores the idea that the act of learning itself is a catalyst for personal growth. Each skill acquired or experience gained adds hues to the palette of one’s life, enabling individuals to evolve, adapt, and become more nuanced individuals.

Redefining Success Beyond Proficiency

In a world often fixated on measurable success and proficiency, Vonnegut challenges us to redefine the parameters of accomplishment. Success need not solely be measured by mastery; rather, it can be found in the journey of exploration, the resilience fostered through failure, and the sheer joy of indulging in diverse interests.


Kurt Vonnegut’s profound insight nudges us to reconsider our approach to skills and experiences. It encourages us to savor the journey, relish the learning process, and appreciate the diverse tapestry of skills that collectively shape us. In essence, it champions the idea that being an interesting person isn’t solely contingent on how well one performs but on the wealth of experiences gathered along the way.

A piece of etiquette – respect contributors by not asking this one question

Open source projects thrive on collaboration, community support, and the dedication of contributors. However, one common mistake made by users and newcomers is inquiring whether an open source project is dead. This question can be discouraging and demotivating to the developers and contributors behind the project. Here’s why it’s important to avoid asking this question and how to approach the situation more positively.

Understanding Open Source Dynamics

Open source projects are often managed by volunteers or small teams who dedicate their free time to create and maintain software that benefits a wider community. Contributors juggle these projects alongside their jobs, personal lives, and other commitments. As a result, project progress might not always follow a conventional timeline or be as rapid as expected.

Impact of the “Is it Dead?” Question

When users inquire about the status of a project in such a blunt manner, it can undermine the efforts of the contributors. It can be demoralizing for the developers who invest their time and effort into the project. Instead of motivating them, this question can create a sense of doubt or pressure.

A More Constructive Approach

Rather than asking if a project is dead, there are more constructive ways to engage with open source communities:

  • Check the Project’s Activity: Look at the project’s repository, GitHub issues, or forums to gauge recent activity. This will provide insights into ongoing work, discussions, or updates.
  • Engage Positively: Ask about the status of the project in a more positive and supportive manner. Inquire about the roadmap, upcoming features, or ways to contribute. This approach shows appreciation for the project and encourages contributors.
  • Offer Help: If you’re genuinely interested in the project, consider contributing. Whether it’s by reporting bugs, improving documentation, or writing code, your contribution can revitalize and strengthen the project.

Respect for Contributors’ Efforts

Remember, behind every open source project, there are individuals investing their time and skills for the benefit of others. Respect their efforts, even if a project might not have seen recent updates. Instead of assuming the worst, offer encouragement and support.


Open source projects are driven by the collective efforts of a community. It’s crucial to approach inquiries about a project’s status with tact and positivity. Instead of asking if a project is dead, engage constructively, show support, and consider contributing to breathe new life into the project. By fostering a respectful and encouraging environment, we can empower and motivate open source contributors to continue their valuable work.

Deciphering the Backslash Against NFTs and Web3

The rapid ascent of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and the Web3 movement has catalyzed a polarized discourse, revealing a backslash of opinions and concerns from various corners of society. Understanding this phenomenon requires navigating through the diverse perspectives and unpacking the contentious issues surrounding these groundbreaking technologies.

NFTs: Redefining Ownership or a Bubble Waiting to Burst?

NFTs have revolutionized the digital asset landscape by enabling unique ownership of digital content using blockchain technology. Advocates tout their potential to empower creators, allowing them to monetize digital creations like art, music, and even tweets. However, skepticism looms regarding their long-term value and environmental impact, especially due to the significant energy consumption associated with some blockchain networks.

Web3: Democratizing the Internet or Centralizing Power in New Ways?

Web3 promises a decentralized internet where users have greater control over their data and interactions. It seeks to replace traditional centralized platforms with decentralized, community-governed protocols. Yet, criticisms abound regarding its complexity, potential monopolization by tech giants, and the challenges of governance in a truly decentralized ecosystem.

The Backslash: Multifaceted Concerns and Debates

The opposition to NFTs and Web3 is multifaceted. Environmentalists raise alarms about the carbon footprint of blockchain technologies used in NFT creation and transactions. Critics also question the authenticity and value of digital assets, warning of a speculative bubble that could burst, leaving investors with worthless tokens.

Additionally, concerns regarding the democratization of Web3 raise questions about its actual decentralization. Skeptics argue that despite the idealistic goals, power dynamics might merely shift rather than genuinely empowering the masses.

Finding Balance: Addressing Concerns and Embracing Innovation

To address these concerns, the NFT and Web3 communities must prioritize sustainability, exploring eco-friendly blockchain alternatives and mitigating environmental impacts. Education is crucial too; enhancing understanding about these technologies can bridge gaps in perception and dispel misconceptions.

Moreover, regulatory frameworks and community-driven governance models need to evolve to ensure fairness, inclusivity, and genuine decentralization in the Web3 ecosystem. Collaborative efforts between stakeholders, including creators, technologists, regulators, and users, are imperative for fostering a sustainable and equitable digital future.

The Road Ahead: Embracing Innovation Responsibly

Deciphering the backslash against NFTs and Web3 involves a nuanced understanding of their potentials and pitfalls. While challenges persist, these technologies also offer unprecedented opportunities to reshape industries, empower creators, and redefine online interactions. Striking a balance between innovation and responsibility is key to harnessing their transformative potential for a more inclusive, ethical, and sustainable digital landscape.

Challenge Convention, Change Our World

In the grand tapestry of human progress, there exists a thread woven by those who dare to question, challenge, and ultimately reshape the conventions that govern our societies. It is through the bold endeavors of individuals and movements that the world witnesses transformation and evolution. “Challenge convention, change our world” serves as a rallying cry for those who recognize the potential for positive impact lying dormant within the status quo.

Questioning the Status Quo

At the heart of challenging convention is the audacity to question norms and ask, “Why?” The status quo, though often comfortable, can be a breeding ground for complacency. History bears witness to the visionaries who dared to question the prevailing wisdom of their time. From scientific breakthroughs that debunked age-old beliefs to social movements that shattered societal norms, challenging convention has been the catalyst for progress.

Innovation and Progress

Innovation is the offspring of challenges to convention. Whether in the realms of science, technology, or art, pushing boundaries and exploring uncharted territories opens the door to new possibilities. The birth of the internet, the exploration of space, and breakthroughs in medicine all stand as testaments to the transformative power of challenging conventional thinking.

Social Paradigms

The societal norms that govern human behavior are not exempt from scrutiny. Movements advocating for civil rights, gender equality, and environmental sustainability have reshaped the narrative of what is acceptable and just. The fight against discrimination and the acknowledgment of diverse voices illustrate the seismic shifts that occur when individuals challenge ingrained societal structures.

Overcoming Resistance

Yet, challenging convention is not without its obstacles. Resistance often comes in the form of skepticism, fear, or vested interests seeking to maintain the status quo. However, throughout history, the persistent few have demonstrated that change is not only possible but inevitable when met with unwavering determination.

Cultural Impact

Cultural norms, too, fall under the purview of convention. Artistic movements, literature, and music have the power to challenge societal perceptions and redefine cultural landscapes. The avant-garde artists who rejected traditional artistic norms or the authors who penned thought-provoking novels have left an indelible mark on the collective consciousness.

Environmental Consciousness

In the face of environmental challenges, the imperative to challenge conventional practices has never been more urgent. Sustainable living, renewable energy, and ecological awareness represent a paradigm shift necessary for the survival of our planet. By challenging the conventional exploitation of natural resources, we pave the way for a more harmonious coexistence with the environment.

Individual Empowerment

Ultimately, the call to “challenge convention, change our world” is a call to individual empowerment. Each person possesses the capacity to question, innovate, and advocate for change. It is through the collective efforts of individuals challenging conventions that a ripple effect is created, leading to transformative societal shifts.

In conclusion, the world is shaped by those who refuse to accept the limitations of the status quo. “Challenge convention, change our world” encapsulates the ethos of progress, beckoning individuals to be catalysts for positive change. As we stand on the precipice of the future, the power to shape a better world lies in our willingness to question, challenge, and redefine the conventions that govern our lives.

Emerging Technologies: The Spatial Computing Panel

When the call to action came from the Open Source in Finance Forum 2023 organizers to submit a session, I immediately knew I would submit something – I really liked the audience vibe when I talked about Another Session about Open Source, so I wanted to come back to it and enjoy it more đŸ™‚ And who thought I would fill a room with a relatively obscure topic, but one I wrote about before, the use of Spatial Computing in Finance.

I felt honored to join the stage together with Domhnaill Hernon from EY, Michael Potts from Polycount.io, Bri Scully and Brooke Tuscai from Vanguard – sadly we ran out of time to have the audience ask questions, but feel free to ask them here and now!