Join a FINOS SIG for Open Source!

Metaverse was not the only topic I presented at the Global Technology Expo – I was asked to lead an interesting discussion and panel around the value of Open Source, and, particularly, FINOS and FINOS SIGs too. In the world of finance and technology, staying at the cutting edge is essential for businesses and professionals alike. Joining a FINOS (Fintech Open Source Foundation) Special Interest Group (SIG) and embracing open source is a powerful way to achieve this. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why you should consider joining a FINOS SIG and, more broadly, why you should embrace the open source ethos.

Also, if you happen to be in New York October 30th or November 1st this year, please do consider joining Big Boost Monday NYC and the Open Source in Finance Forum!

The Power of Open Source in Finance

Collaboration and Innovation

One of the most compelling reasons to join a FINOS SIG is the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded professionals and organizations. Open source projects are collaborative endeavors where individuals from diverse backgrounds come together to innovate and solve industry-specific problems. When you join a FINOS SIG, you’re entering a community of experts who share a common goal: to advance the state of the art in fintech.


Open source projects are typically more cost-effective than proprietary solutions. By leveraging open source tools and platforms, you can reduce the financial burden on your organization. Furthermore, by actively participating in open source projects, you can influence the direction of development to suit your specific needs, creating customized, cost-effective solutions.

Transparency and Trust

Open source promotes transparency, which is especially critical in the financial industry. With open source software, you have access to the source code, enabling you to audit and verify the security and integrity of the technology you use. This transparency builds trust, both among organizations and with your clients, partners, and regulators.

Benefits of Joining a FINOS SIG

Domain-Specific Expertise

FINOS SIGs are designed to address specific challenges within the financial industry. By joining a SIG, you gain access to domain-specific expertise and the collective knowledge of industry leaders. This specialization can be invaluable for honing your skills, staying informed about the latest industry developments, and solving challenges unique to the financial sector.

Networking Opportunities

Participating in a FINOS SIG opens doors to a vast network of professionals, including developers, engineers, regulators, and business leaders. Building relationships in the open source community can lead to valuable collaborations, partnerships, and career opportunities.

Influence and Impact

By actively engaging with a FINOS SIG, you can directly influence the direction of projects and standards within the financial industry. Your contributions can lead to the creation of tools and solutions that benefit not only your organization but the broader financial community as well.

Learning and Development

Open source participation is an excellent way to enhance your skills. By working with experts in the field, you can gain new insights, solve complex problems, and stay up-to-date with emerging technologies. This continuous learning can boost your professional development and career prospects.


In an increasingly interconnected and competitive world, staying ahead in the financial industry is essential. Embracing open source and joining a FINOS SIG can provide the tools, knowledge, and networks you need to thrive. The benefits of collaboration, cost-efficiency, transparency, and specialization make open source an attractive choice for both individuals and organizations.

When you join a FINOS SIG, you’re not just participating in a community; you’re becoming a part of a movement that’s shaping the future of finance through shared knowledge and innovation. So, whether you’re a developer, a fintech professional, or a financial institution, it’s time to consider the transformative power of open source and the unique advantages of joining a FINOS SIG.


This year at FINOS we are focusing on one of FINOS’ key existing projects: Open Source Readiness. This is FINOS’ term for helping the finance industry “do open source properly”.

2023-10-11 OSR Weekly Update

We continued working on the last bits of the last pending PR before the big reveal towards the OSR Book of Knowledge, which is Brittany Istenes’s article on Foundations like The Linux Foundation, OSI or CNCF – the benefits and possible drawbacks of your open source project joining one of them. With this cleaned up and merged, and the exam and training materials finalized, we are ready for a hugely successful OSFF! So I will use this platform to advertise something else now. 

And that something else is Big Boost Monday NYC! If you are not familiar, Big Boost Monday London, Belfast and Dublin are tremendously successful DEI monthly meetup series, bringing hundreds of people together. And here comes the first opportunity to welcome this in North America – first to New York City and later to Montreal (Les Lundis Géants!) Every month, it is hosted by different tech firms that aim to inspire and empower people who are interested in finding their pathway into tech. The event features guest speakers from various backgrounds and sectors, who share their stories, programs, initiatives, and tips on how to get started in tech. The event also promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion in the tech industry, and showcases the work of FINOS, an open-source foundation for financial services.

The event is free to attend, but requires registration through a link provided by the host – Register here! The event typically lasts for an hour and a half, with 30 minutes for networking and Q&A. It is your tech & DEI meetup, helping you find your pathway into technology in the city! It is open-source, an open community, open to all for opportunities.

  • Registration & Networking – 17:00
  • Talks Start – 18:00
  • Talks Finish – 19:00
  • Post-event Networking To Close – 19:30

Who is this for?

  • Find out more how open-source is power innovation in finance
  • Hear from leading Women in technology
  • Explore different pathways to a career in technology
  • Industry professionals, senior stakeholders, allies and sponsors
  • LGBTQ+, Students, under-represented groups, and the curious
  • Non-degree holders
  • With local community outreach soon in NYC/Montréal

After this huge Big Boost Monday advertisement, let me move back to the usual topic here again – with the usual reminder – if you have contributed to the Book of Knowledge at OSR, but haven’t yet been added to the – here is your chance, make sure you would be part of the Book of Faces when we unveil it at OSFF – reminding me to point out that:


If you work for a FINOS member and live in New York, why haven’t you signed up to come to OSFF yet? Soon it will reach capacity, so hurry up if you haven’t registered yet!

There are complimentary passes for employees of FINOS Member Firms so hurry up and register already!

The OSR and InnerSource SIGs are collaborating on running a booth at the event – would you like to help staff it? Get in touch if so! Also, many other booths, FINOS projects and much more will be present there! Yours truly will lead a panel discussion about Spatial Computing and its use for Financial Services – looking forward to having you there!

If you haven’t received your unique member code, please contact and we’ll get you sorted.

Sign up here!

Metaverse, the impossible to explain

As I presented on my tech talk and my booth at the Global Tech Expo event yesterday, some of the questions were no longer the “why a bank is doing this?“, rather started to ask the real questions. One is, the “What the Metaverse is?”. Instead of trying to come up with a definition, let me try to come up with an explanation of what can and cannot be explained today.

The term “metaverse” has gained significant attention and popularity in recent years. It represents a virtual, interconnected, and immersive digital space where people can interact, socialize, work, and play. However, explaining the metaverse in just a few words is a challenging task. In this article, we will explore what can and cannot be conveyed succinctly about the metaverse.

What Can Be Explained

  • Digital Reality: The metaverse is a digital, virtual reality where users can engage in various activities, including socializing, gaming, attending events, and working.
  • Interconnected Worlds: It’s a network of interconnected digital spaces, worlds, and environments, providing seamless transitions between them.
  • User Interaction: Users can interact with each other and the virtual environment through avatars, text, voice, and even haptic feedback.
  • Endless Possibilities: The metaverse offers diverse opportunities, from exploring fantasy realms to conducting business meetings or attending virtual concerts.
  • Immersive Technologies: Advanced technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) contribute to creating a lifelike experience within the metaverse.

What Cannot Be Explained

  • Full Depth and Scale: The true depth and scale of the metaverse are vast and multifaceted, making it challenging to capture in a few words.
  • Evolution and Development: The metaverse is continually evolving, with new technologies, platforms, and concepts emerging, which cannot be entirely summarized briefly.
  • Complexity: Explaining the intricate systems, infrastructure, and interactions within the metaverse in a few words is insufficient to do it justice.
  • Cultural and Social Implications: The impact of the metaverse on society, culture, privacy, and ethics is a vast and ongoing discussion that cannot be covered briefly.
  • Varied Interpretations: Different people and experts may have varying interpretations and visions of the metaverse, adding to its complexity.


In summary, the metaverse is a complex and evolving digital universe where users can explore, interact, and create. While its basic concepts can be explained in a few words, understanding the full scope and potential of the metaverse requires delving deeper into its intricacies. The metaverse is an exciting and transformative concept that will continue to shape the future of human interaction and digital experiences.

Global Tech Expo again!

🌟 Exciting News: Morgan Stanley’s Global Tech Expo kicks out today! 🌟

Hey there tech enthusiasts! I’ve got some thrilling news to share with you today. Morgan Stanley kicks off its much-anticipated internal Global Tech Expo today, and it is an event to remember, as always! 💼💻🚀

🤩 A Showcase of Innovation:
The Tech Expo is a grand showcase of innovation, featuring cutting-edge technologies, groundbreaking projects, and a glimpse into the future of finance and tech. The technical teams, known for its commitment to technological advancement, sparing no expense in making this event an eye-opener.

🔍 Exploring the Highlights:
Attendees has the opportunity to explore a wide array of exciting exhibits, each highlighting different aspects of technology within the financial sector. From AI-driven trading algorithms to blockchain-powered security solutions, there is something to captivate everyone’s interest.

📈 Talks and Workshops:
The Tech Expo also features a lineup of informative talks and interactive workshops by our industry SMEs. These sessions delved into topics such as cybersecurity, fintech trends, spatial computing and the impact of AI on financial services. It is an incredible opportunity for attendees to expand their knowledge.

💬 Networking Galore:
One of the most valuable aspects of the Tech Expo is the opportunity to network with peers, colleagues, and professionals from various domains. The conversations sparked here are likely to lead to collaborations and breakthroughs in the world of finance and technology.

📱 Tech for Good:
Beyond all the excitement, Morgan Stanley reaffirms its commitment to responsible and sustainable tech practices. Several exhibits focuses on how technology can be harnessed for the greater good, including projects aimed at financial inclusion and environmental sustainability.

🏆 A Resounding Success:
In summary, the Morgan Stanley Internal Tech Expo kicks off with an outstanding success across 14 different locations, for the internal tech community as a whole. It serves as a testament to the relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence within the financial industry.

The Value of Automated Testing and the Evolution of SDET Appreciation

Software development has come a long way over the past few decades, and so has the field of software testing. In today’s fast-paced and dynamic technological landscape, the role of Software Development Engineers in Test (SDETs) has evolved significantly. While SDETs were once highly appreciated for their manual testing skills, the rise of automated testing has shifted the focus towards a more balanced combination of technical and testing abilities. In this article, we will explore the value of automatic testing and why SDETs may not receive the same level of appreciation as they did decades ago.

The Value of Automated Testing

Automated testing has become a cornerstone of modern software development practices, and for good reason. Here are some key benefits of automated testing:

  1. Speed and Efficiency: Automated tests can execute much faster than their manual counterparts. They can run hundreds or even thousands of test cases in a matter of minutes, allowing for rapid feedback and faster development cycles.
  2. Consistency: Automated tests perform the same actions and checks consistently every time they run. This eliminates human errors and ensures that all test cases are executed in a standardized manner.
  3. Reusability: Test automation allows for the creation of reusable test scripts, which can be applied to different parts of the application or across multiple projects. This saves time and effort in the long run.
  4. Regression Testing: Automated tests are ideal for regression testing, ensuring that new code changes do not introduce new defects or break existing functionality.
  5. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): Automated tests are a critical component of CI/CD pipelines, where they help validate code changes and ensure that only reliable, bug-free code is deployed to production.
  6. Scalability: As software projects grow in complexity, manual testing becomes increasingly impractical. Automated tests can easily scale to handle large and complex applications.

Why SDETs Are Not Appreciated as Before

While automated testing has brought many advantages to the software development process, it has also changed the expectations for SDETs. Here are some reasons why SDETs may not receive the same level of appreciation as they did decades ago:

  1. Shift in Skillset: In the past, SDETs were primarily responsible for manual testing and had limited involvement in coding or test automation. Today, SDETs are expected to be proficient in programming, test automation, and test framework development. This shift in skillset has raised the bar for entry into the field.
  2. High Demand for Automation: With the increasing emphasis on automated testing, there is a higher demand for individuals with strong automation skills. Companies are looking for SDETs who can write robust, maintainable automation code, and this has become a significant part of the role.
  3. Evolving Technology Stack: The software development landscape has evolved, with new technologies and tools continuously emerging. SDETs need to adapt to these changes and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in software testing and development.
  4. Perception of Reduced Manual Testing: Automated testing is often seen as a way to reduce the need for manual testing. As a result, some perceive SDETs as having a less critical role in the absence of extensive manual testing, even though their responsibilities have expanded to include automation.
  5. Blurred Lines: The distinction between SDETs and traditional software developers (SDEs) has become less clear, as both roles involve coding and automation. This can lead to a lack of recognition for SDETs’ unique expertise in testing.


The value of automated testing in modern software development cannot be overstated. It has brought about increased speed, reliability, and scalability to the testing process, ultimately contributing to higher-quality software. However, this shift in testing practices has also changed the expectations for SDETs.

While SDETs may not receive the same level of appreciation as they did decades ago, their role remains pivotal in ensuring the delivery of high-quality software. They have evolved to become versatile professionals who bridge the gap between development and testing, contributing to the overall success of software projects. As the field of software development continues to evolve, it is essential for organizations to recognize and appreciate the unique skills and contributions of SDETs in the modern software development landscape.

The Human Beyond Tools and Infrastructure

In the current world of software development, companies are constantly striving to optimize their processes and maximize developer productivity. Many organizations, however, make a critical mistake by fixating solely on tools and infrastructure as the means to achieve this goal. While technology certainly plays a vital role, it’s crucial not to overlook the equally significant impact of human factors on productivity.

Companies that narrow their focus exclusively on tools and infrastructure may miss out on opportunities for improvement in areas that are often the root causes of productivity challenges. Let’s delve into why human factors such as cross-team coordination, product management, and team processes are essential considerations for any organization seeking to enhance developer productivity.

The Tool-Centric Approach

It’s not uncommon for companies to invest heavily in the latest development tools and infrastructure with the expectation that these investments will automatically translate into increased developer efficiency. While modern tools can undoubtedly facilitate development processes, they represent only one piece of the productivity puzzle. Relying solely on tools often leads to a short-term boost in productivity, but it may not address the underlying issues that hinder long-term sustainable progress.

The Human Element

Cross-team coordination is a critical aspect of any software development project, yet it is frequently underestimated or overlooked. When different teams within an organization fail to communicate effectively or work in silos, it can result in delays, duplicated efforts, and misaligned objectives. These issues can have a detrimental impact on productivity, no matter how advanced the tools at hand are.

Product management is another human factor that plays a pivotal role in developer productivity. Clear and strategic product planning, coupled with effective communication between product managers and development teams, is essential for ensuring that development efforts are aligned with business goals. A lack of proper product management can lead to constant shifts in priorities and a sense of directionlessness among developers.

Team processes, encompassing everything from code review procedures to decision-making frameworks, can either streamline or hinder development workflows. Inefficient processes can cause bottlenecks and frustration, leading to decreased productivity. Companies must continuously evaluate and refine their team processes to ensure they support, rather than impede, developers’ work.

The Challenge of Addressing Human Factors

Addressing human factors is undeniably more complex than acquiring new tools or upgrading infrastructure. It involves cultural changes, effective communication, and a commitment to continuous improvement. However, the potential benefits are significant.

By fostering a culture of collaboration, breaking down silos, and improving cross-team coordination, companies can reduce delays and enhance productivity. Effective product management ensures that developers are working on tasks that directly contribute to business objectives, resulting in a more focused and efficient development process. Optimized team processes can lead to quicker decision-making, better code quality, and a more enjoyable working environment.


While tools and infrastructure are undoubtedly essential in the world of software development, they should not be the sole focus when aiming to boost developer productivity. Human factors, such as cross-team coordination, product management, and team processes, play a pivotal role in achieving sustainable and significant improvements.

Companies that recognize the importance of addressing these human elements will be better positioned to create a conducive environment for developers to thrive. By balancing investments in tools and infrastructure with efforts to enhance human factors, organizations can unlock the true potential of their development teams and achieve long-lasting productivity gains.

Freedom and Accountability: A Symbiotic Relationship

In a world that often pits freedom against accountability as if they were opposing forces, the quote “Freedom is not the opposite of accountability, it is a path towards it” reminds us of the intricate connection between these two concepts. It challenges us to consider that rather than being in conflict, freedom and accountability can coexist harmoniously, fostering a society that thrives on principles of responsibility and liberty.

The Paradox of Freedom

Freedom, a fundamental human right, allows individuals to make choices and express themselves without undue restraint. It is often seen as the epitome of autonomy, where one can live life on their terms. However, an unchecked pursuit of freedom can lead to chaos, injustice, and harm. It is in this paradox that the importance of accountability becomes evident.

Accountability as a Moral Compass

Accountability serves as the moral compass that guides our actions within the boundaries of freedom. When individuals are held accountable for their choices and actions, they are encouraged to consider the consequences of their behavior on themselves and society. This self-reflection is the cornerstone of responsible freedom.

A Path Towards Growth

The quote emphasizes that freedom is a path towards accountability. It implies that when individuals are free to make choices, they have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes. Accountability, rather than being a restrictive force, is a means of fostering personal and collective growth. It encourages individuals to acknowledge their missteps, make amends, and strive for improvement.

Social Implications

In a society where freedom and accountability are regarded as interconnected, we witness several positive outcomes:

  • Trust: Accountability builds trust among individuals and within communities. When people know that others will be responsible for their actions, trust in interpersonal relationships and institutions flourishes.
  • Justice: Accountability is the cornerstone of a just society. It ensures that those who infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others are held responsible for their actions.
  • Innovation: Freedom encourages innovation and progress. When individuals are free to explore new ideas and take calculated risks, they can push the boundaries of knowledge and technology.
  • Equality: Accountability ensures that power is not abused. In a society that values accountability, individuals in positions of authority are answerable for their decisions and actions, promoting equality.
  • Harmony: The coexistence of freedom and accountability fosters a harmonious society where individuals can exercise their rights while respecting the rights of others.


The quote “Freedom is not the opposite of accountability, it is a path towards it” reminds us that freedom and accountability are not adversaries; instead, they are partners in creating a just and thriving society. Freedom provides the canvas upon which individuals can paint their lives, while accountability ensures that the strokes are guided by responsibility and consideration for others. It is in this delicate balance that the true essence of human liberty is found, where freedom and accountability walk hand in hand toward a brighter future.

Hard one of the day

In a world that often celebrates convenience and comfort, the idea of intentionally choosing the harder path may seem counterintuitive. However, the quote “do at least one thing the hard way every day” challenges us to step outside our comfort zones and embrace challenges. This philosophy encourages personal growth, resilience, and a deeper appreciation for the value of effort. In this article, we will explore the significance of this quote and how it can positively impact our lives.

The Value of Hard Work

At its core, the quote reminds us of the inherent value of hard work. Doing things the easy way might provide immediate satisfaction, but it rarely leads to personal growth or lasting accomplishments. When we choose the harder path, we commit ourselves to a process that demands effort, dedication, and perseverance. This willingness to tackle challenges head-on is where true growth begins.

Building Resilience

Life is filled with unexpected obstacles and setbacks. By intentionally taking on difficult tasks each day, we develop resilience, the ability to bounce back from adversity. Resilience is a valuable trait that helps us cope with life’s challenges, maintain our mental and emotional well-being, and face future hardships with confidence.

Expanding Your Comfort Zone

Staying within our comfort zones may feel safe, but it often leads to stagnation. When we embrace the quote’s philosophy, we gradually expand our comfort zones. Over time, what once seemed difficult becomes manageable, and we become more adaptable and open to new experiences. This expansion of our abilities can lead to increased self-confidence and a greater sense of accomplishment.

Applying the Quote to Daily Life

Incorporating the idea of doing something the hard way into your daily routine doesn’t require monumental efforts. Here are some practical ways to apply this principle to your life:

  • Learn a New Skill: Challenge yourself to acquire a new skill or hobby that you’ve always been interested in but thought was too difficult.
  • Exercise Regularly: Physical fitness often involves pushing your body beyond its limits. Regularly engaging in challenging workouts can not only improve your physical health but also boost your mental resilience.
  • Take on Responsibilities: Whether at work or in your personal life, volunteering for tasks or projects that are outside your comfort zone can lead to personal and professional growth.
  • Engage in Problem Solving: Instead of seeking immediate solutions, take the time to work through complex problems. The process of finding answers through trial and error can be incredibly rewarding.
  • Pursue Long-Term Goals: Set ambitious goals that require sustained effort and commitment. Achieving these goals will provide a profound sense of accomplishment and personal growth.


The quote “do at least one thing the hard way every day” serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative potential that lies in embracing challenges and stepping outside our comfort zones. While the path of least resistance may seem appealing, it is often the path of greatest resistance that leads to personal growth, resilience, and a deeper appreciation for the value of hard work. So, let us strive to face challenges head-on, tackle the difficult tasks, and embrace the opportunities for growth that they bring. In doing so, we can unlock our full potential and live more fulfilling lives.

Big Boost Monday in NYC

What am I speaking about? What is Big Boost Monday? It is a monthly event hosted by different tech firms that aims to inspire and empower people who are interested in finding their pathway into tech. The event features guest speakers from various backgrounds and sectors, who share their stories, programs, initiatives, and tips on how to get started in tech. The event also promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion in the tech industry, and showcases the work of FINOS, an open-source foundation for financial services.

Some of the past and upcoming hosts of Big Boost Monday include Morgan Stanley, Synechron, Microsoft, and FINOS. The event is usually held in London, but sometimes also in other cities like Dublin and Belfast – and now coming to North America, to New York City and Montréal / Les Lundis Géants / ! The event is free to attend, but requires registration through a link provided by the host. The event typically lasts for an hour and a half, with 30 minutes for networking and Q&A. It is Live and it is In Person. It is Your Tech & DEI meet-up, helping you find your pathway into technology in the city! It is open-source, an open community, open to all for opportunities.

  • Registration, Networking – 17:00
  • Talks Start – 18:00
  • Talks Finish – 19:00
  • Post-event Networking To Close – 19:30

Who is this for?

  • Find out more how open-source is power innovation in finance
  • Hear from leading Women in technology
  • Explore different pathways to a career in technology
  • Industry professionals, senior stakeholders, allies and sponsors
  • LGBTQ+, Students, under-represented groups, and the curious
  • Non-degree holders
  • With local community outreach in Belfast / Ireland, and soon in NYC/Montréal

How will it work?

Hosted each month by different tech firms, opening up their offices to the wider community.

Join us on the night you can hear from 3 guest speakers talking about AI – the hottest topic at the moment! Alongside firms sharing their DEI journey, and the importance of building a diverse workforce within the tech industry.

All of these talks will finish with a group Q&A with the audience, moderated by the speaker.

Join us to:

‘Boost your Network, your confidence, your knowledge, your career and your pathway. Big Boost Mondays!’

Open Source Readiness from FINOS

This year at FINOS we are focusing on one of FINOS’ key existing projects: Open Source Readiness. This is FINOS’ term for helping the finance industry “do open source properly”.

2023-10-04 OSR Weekly Update

This last week, many of us among the OSR leadership have been occupied with meticulously reviewing the final batches of questions that would form the base of the Open Source Readiness exam. This crucial phase of our delivery for the Open Source in Finance Forum (OSFF) demands a sharp focus on the quality and accuracy of each question to ensure that the exam accurately assesses a candidate’s capabilities and understanding of the written material. Rob Moffat has been relentlessly leading us in this, collaborating tirelessly, and scrutinizing the wording, relevance, difficulty level, and applicability of each question to create a fair and comprehensive evaluation bar.

As part of the new content, and related to last week’s update on Supply Chain Security, we did bring up this as a leading discussion topic for the Architecture as a Code workgroup, part of DevOps Automation, where we discussed the aim and premise of the contribution we actually did towards . And – speaking of contributions: if you have contributed to the Book of Knowledge at OSR, but haven’t yet been added to the – here is your chance, make sure you would be part of the Book of Faces when we unveil it at OSFF – reminding me to point out that:


If you work for a FINOS member and live in New York, why haven’t you signed up to come to OSFF yet?

There are complimentary passes for employees of FINOS Member Firms so hurry up and register already!

The OSR and InnerSource SIGs are collaborating on running a booth at the event – would you like to help staff it? Get in touch if so!

If you haven’t received your unique member code, please contact and we’ll get you sorted.

Sign up here!