Hey, I do have a blog!

Hey, my old blog, how much I abandoned you lately… haven’t updated with real content in what, 3 years? Wow. This needs to change. I just blogged in the new architectforum blog, but that’s considerably different, I try to resurrect a community there. I hate making promises, but from now on I’ll try to come back to the blogophere with actual content. Ohh, and I do have a nearly abandoned twitter account as well. Goodbye, paper.li, you were good and useful, but I’d rather tweet myself from now on 🙂 btw, I just did it, as have been to Cornell University, Ithaca to give a talk about ‘what is like working at Morgan Stanley’. I used some ‘non-conform’ way to present the message, using full screen images, a simulated machine crash – and more. Oh yes, I have slideshare account as well, what about using that for something? 🙂

Architektúra Fórum – reloaded?

"Tervezz, építs, hass! 

Mi is ez? Az architektúra fórum egy lehetÅ‘ség arra, hogy megismerkedjen az architektúra világával és újdonságaival. Megvizsgáljuk az eszközöket, megismerjük a kihívást, merünk a mélyvízbe ugrani, megismerkedünk a szoftver-architektúra témakör elemeivel. Fókuszaink olyanok, mint analízis, követelmények, minták és hasonlók. Legyen az architektúra közösség tagja, jelentkezzen közénk, és vegyen részt személyes találkozóinkon is!"

Igen, jól olvastátok. A terv az, hogy újjáéled, mégha kicsit esetleg más formában is. Ehhez viszont a segítségeteket kérem: írjátok meg commentbe vagy privátba ( peter pont smulovics kukac gmail pont com), mi volt jó régen az architektúra fórumban, mit változtatnátok rajta…

És persze, ha szponzorálnátok a dolgot, vagy elÅ‘adnátok, akkor is jelentkezzetek 🙂

Azok számára, akik szemtelenül fiatalok, mi is volt az architektúra fórum? Ma azt mondanánk rá, hogy MeetUp vagy User Group. Akkor ezeket a szavakat még nem is ismertük, a BPNT még csak izgalmas, kéjes ötletként jelent meg, szóval valahol ez volt a úttörÅ‘ rendezvény 🙂 Összejöttünk, beszélgettünk, elÅ‘adásokat tartottunk, nyereményeket sorsoltunk ki, könyvvásárt tartottunk, szép projektorokat és lapostévéket bámultunk, finom sütiket ettünk, szünetben átfutottuk az osztogatott újságokat, a kedves hostess-lányok tették a dolgukat, mosolyogtunk a videókon…

Szóval ide alulra vagy a fenti címre várom az ötleteket – hogyan tovább?

We are looking for experienced Perl developers

We are looking for a Perl engineer to join a small team that looks after a multitude of dynamic languages. Perl is used widely in a great variety of ways at the firm. Supporting Perl developers is an important part of the work, dealing with problems that can be very varied. 

There are also a number of in house Perl modules, that need to be developed and subsequently maintained. Maintenance of modules is exacting work, as a large number of critical systems depend on them, so good testing frameworks and source control are a must. Perforce is used for source control and the standard Perl Test::Harness and prove tools are used. 

Perl is installed centrally at Morgan Stanley in a global filesystem, accessible from all machines. This supports several different platforms, currently Solaris, Linux and Windows. Several main versions are maintained in parallel and many modules for each Perl are installed. These modules are installed in multiple versions as well, in such a way that a developer can choose which version of Perl to use with which
versions of modules.

A large legacy of installed Perl versions and modules has built up over time. Instrumenting existing components and moving customers to later versions based on usage data and developing different deployment models will be a goal for 2012. 

Installation of Perl modules has traditionally been done by the group, but will transition to a dedicated packaging group. This will mean making the automated install process transferable and helping the new install group with any technical Perl issues. 

The position is in the EAI group, which supports developers in all programming languages across the firm. The position is in the dynamic languages group that looks after Perl, Python, R, lua and Powershell. The group occasionally offers training in these languages, mostly to guide developers in firm specific approaches.

   – improve Perl deployment at the firm
   – help developers with Perl related problems
   – develop Perl modules for internal use
   – do root-cause analysis on issues, down to Perl C and XS issues
   – help with technical problems with installing modules from CPAN

Skills Required 
Technical skills
   Perl knowledge: references, OO, modules, regexps. Makefile. Strong Unix skills
 At least several of:
   Advanced Perl knowledge, XS, Swig, writing Perl modules, C/C++, XML, SCM (Perforce/CVS), Windows developer skill set (nmake/vc)

General skills
   – proficient in English, good in communication, dealing with both simple
     and complex queries, time and project management.


Colabs Seed Program

A kezdÅ‘ startupok augusztus 21-ig jelentkezhetnek a Colabs Å‘szi Seed Programjába, melynek keretében a legígéretesebb hazai projektek 2 és 6 millió forint közötti induló befektetést kapnak. A kiválasztott csapatok egy 5+12 hétes intenzív program keretében tapasztalt szakemberek és sikeres vállalkozók mentorálása mellett teljeskörű termék- és cégfejlesztési támogatást valamint ingyenes irodahasználati lehetÅ‘séget kapnak, hogy felépítsék termékük elsÅ‘ piacképes verzióját.

A program 2012 szeptemberétÅ‘l 2013 január végéig tart, melynek zárónapján a startupok egy befektetÅ‘kkel zsúfolt teremben mutatkoznak be a nyilvánosság elÅ‘tt, ahol akár aznap megnyerhetik következÅ‘ körös befektetÅ‘iket. Az elÅ‘zÅ‘ Seed Programban részt vevÅ‘ csapatok május 30-án mutatkoztak be a Colabs Demo Day-en és eddig összesen több mint 100 millió forint befektetést kaptak.

A Seed Program egyedisége, hogy a kezdÅ‘ vállalkozásokat többek között olyan tapasztalt üzletemberek mentorálják, mint GerÅ‘ Viktor, a Vatera korábbi igazgatója, Kovács Zoltán, a Kirowski vezérigazgatója és társtulajdonosa, Gerényi Gábor, az Index társalapítója vagy Vinnai Balázs az IND Group alapítója. A mentorok bÅ‘vülÅ‘ listáját a weboldalon követheted.



Would you like to learn more about…

Would you like to learn more about Credit Portal, CRGT (Compliance, Risk and Governance IT), RIM (Regulatory Impact Monitor), Next Generation End-Of-Day Marking, TORCH – Targeting Opportunities, Recognising Client Headlines, Electronic Trading Systems – cutting edge technology in the Front Office, Business Metrics – the next generation of real time reporting systems, Windows Virtualisation and Windows 7 technologies, ZooKeeper, Little administration framework, Technology Asset Inventory, QA service, Sub Ledger project, Client On-Boarding, FPGA, Scala, IPCAuth, Optimus, Continious delivery, content publishing/subscribing, market data, KDB, Stack, Catalog, Log Server, Scalable high throughput server side middleware for grid and cloud computing, Morgan Stanley Desktop, Strat Studio, General-Purpose GPU Programming, End of Day Process Automation, Report Creation Wizard, Report Notificator & Sanitychecker, and much more?

Join us on 5/9/2012, 6PM, when the Morgan Stanley IT Budapest TECHNOLOGY EXPO begins. Details and registration to be found here.

See you there!


9th May, 2012 – Morgan Stanley IT Budapest TECHNOLOGY EXPO

Morgan Stanley Budapest would like to invite you to the


Millennium III, 1095 Budapest, Lechner Ödön fasor 8.

6PM, Wednesday 9th May, 2012

What is the Tech Open Evening about?

The event is designed for experienced IT professionals who are simply interested in understanding how a market leading global organization in the financial sector operates. The event will consist of:

Presentation of Morgan Stanley in Budapest

  • Morgan Stanley as a global organization
  • Technology’s crucial role within the Firm
  • Employees’ experiences

Live Technology demonstrations and discussions on

  • Cutting-edge financial technology systems (i.e., GPU, FPGA, Scala)
  • Applications in action and end user applications
  • Various in-house applications written in Java, Scala, C++,.NET 4, Python, Perl, Web Technologies, etc.
  • Scalable high throughput server side middleware for grid and cloud computing
  • Windows and Linux Server Virtualization
  • Other exciting technologies

Interactive Panel discussions with Technology employees at Morgan Stanley Budapest

  • Projects
  • Innovative solutions and technical challenges
  • QA session

HR Session, HR Clinic – English level & CV advice

  • Insight into the recruitment process and the everyday life of Morgan Stanley
  • Test your English
  • Get practical advice on your CV

“Women in IT” – Panel discussion

  • Hear from senior female role models who will share insights about their business and discuss tips and tools that were impactful in moving forward in their career
  • Representatives from Morgan Stanley’s different divisions will share with you key turning points in their careers, what they wish they would have done differently and what it is really like to work at Morgan Stanley


Please pre-register using the Registration link.

You are welcome to bring a guest who may also be interested in a Technology career at Morgan Stanley. Please ask them to register as well.

There is no charge to attend the event. Food and drinks will be served throughout the evening.

For further information about Morgan Stanley, please visit: http://www.morganstanley.hu

If you have any queries, please email mstechopenevening2012@morganstanley.com

We look forward to seeing you there!


May 9 – Save the Date! Morgan Stanley IT Budapest TECHNOLOGY EXPO – again!

What is the Tech Expo about?

The event is designed for experienced IT professionals seeking new challenges or are just simply interested in understanding how a market leading global organization of the financial sector operates. The event will consist of:

Presentation of Morgan Stanley in Budapest

  • Morgan Stanley as a global organization
  • Technology’s crucial role within the firm
  • Employees’ experience

Live Technology demonstrations and discussions on

  • Cutting edge financial technology systems
  • Applications in action and end user applications
  • Various in-house applications written in Java, C++, C# .NET, Perl etc.
  • NextGen Market data processing of 100,000 messages per second with less than 1 millisecond end-2-end latency
  • Windows Virtualization

Interactive Panel discussions with IT employees at Morgan Stanley Budapest

  • Projects
  • Innovative solutions and Technical challenges
  • QA session

HR Clinic

  • English level & CV advice
  • Test your English
  • Get practical advice on your CV
Wednesday May 9th, 2012, 06:00PM CEST

During the whole evening, you will have the chance to meet IT managers in order to discuss technical questions and team structures.

You are welcome to bring guests who may also be interested in Morgan Stanley and Morgan Stanley IT.

There is no charge to attend the event. Food and drinks will be served throughout the evening. 

We look forward to seeing you there!

November 8, The "Morgan Stanley Desktop", Adecco IT Academy

I'm going to give a presentation at the Adecco IT Academy about the "Morgan Stanley Desktop".

The following is a brief agenda:

  • What is "Morgan Stanley Desktop"
  • What can be common along 4000 applications
  • Grid + Cloud – and Sauron's Eye
  • How can you have hundreds of bosses – agility++

Additional information and sign up at: http://adeccoitacademy.wordpress.com/

Re: Morgan Stanley IT Budapest TECHNOLOGY EXPO

Let me have a short follow up on yesterday's event – it was a huge success I think. Hundredish interesting people from in (and especially welcoming the fact, that) and outside the company were buzzing around the 8th floor of the building learning about our newest and latest cut of technology in many of our interest fields, like mass Virtualization, extreme user experience makeovers or high frequency trading.

I'd like to thank for those people who participated and for those people who (among myself) were presenter on one of the 10 booths, being a panel speaker or was preparing the event and the keynote presentations.

As last parts of the shameless plug, let me draw the opportunity to present a small part of the presentation I gave – here:

Topics that were part of the Morgan Stanley IT Budapest Technology Expo's Cross Technology Presentation

Topics that were part of the Morgan Stanley IT Budapest Technology Expo's Cross Technology Presentation

If I did draw someone's interest into our divison, please do not hesitate, follow up with us or drop me a mail!