Zoom joins the tools in Meta Horizon Workrooms

Meta Horizon Workrooms is a virtual office space that nowΒ integratesΒ with Zoom, a widespread video conferencing tool. You can join Zoom meetings from Workrooms in VR, or add Workrooms to any Zoom call. This way, you can enjoy the features of both tools, such as screen sharing, whiteboard, sticky notes, gestures, and web chat. You can use Workrooms with or without a headset.

The Future of Work at Meta – showcasing the next phase of XR

A few weeks ago, I had the amazing opportunity to speak at the Future of Work event at Meta (formerly known as Facebook)! Next to dozen or so showcase partners demoing their solutions on the newest hardware available, a full room of people came to listen to Nathan P. King from Accenture, and me, moderated by Stephanie Seeman from Meta Reality Labs, to talk about a lot of fun topics and questions, like:

What is Your A/V/X/MR journey?

It started back in the 1980s, developing using 16 color graphics, and using 4 colors – black, red, blue and purple only πŸ™‚ With these colors and some rudimentary 3D calculations, and of course a cheap paper/celluloid glass from the back of a comic book, you could do amazing 3D visualizations already πŸ™‚ Although I tried cross eye development too, but I liked the idea that I did not had to do anything besides wearing the glasses to achieve the experience. Which continued by me creating the colored celluloid glasses for more people to try it out. Of course, interaction patterns weren’t available as such besides using a joystick and later (when moving to PCs) a mouse. I tried using some other experiences as well, like using light guns (they worked only with particular CRT monitors) or using sound waves to create the effect of a haptic feedback – looking back, I was probably looking like a crazy scientist with all these techs around me all the time. I am not old enough to have played with the original Sword of Damocles tech – but surely would have done that if I am alive than πŸ™‚

The technology kept me interested in a long time, even after these early tries not bringing me the full roaring success like having a successful exit on a startup, so when Microsoft, the firm at the time I worked at, started to work on the Perceptive Pixel devices, I did jump on the opportunity to work on and with those devices – less 3D, more spatial experience, for sure, but I learned a lot about hardware, projection, understanding what ‘context’ means, how physical and digital blends, and more.

Somewhat later, when working on marketing projects for brands like Coca Cola, Merck, Procter & Gamble and more, I kept pushing limits around this again, and helped creating many hugely entertaining and amusingly successful solutions for kicking virtual balls using an overhead projected area or being able to use your webcam to augment your hand to have a bottle in it and more πŸ™‚

And this interest still stayed with me, so when at Morgan Stanley the innovation office asked me about ideas to solve specific problems, I kept saying Spatial Computing so many times that they happily agreed to procure devices and support projects using them. The rest – is history. What started with 1-2 devices now grown to a device park, what started with a small POC now grown to a portfolio of projects. Of course, we had to learn new ropes – how to get data in and out of these devices, how to solve problems and questions around device management and security, how graphical design services are / were at the time fundamentally about 2D designs and how they had to change up, and more.

What were the early goals of the proof of concepts (POCs)?

AR, VR, XR, however you call it, was (I think no longer is) an emerging technology (a side channel introduction of https://zenith.finos.org, the Emerging Technologies SIG of FINOS/The Linux Foundation, that I do co-chair). As known of other similar technologies, if you do start embracing them early, like we tried, that usually turns out to be the key to learn (and if needed, fail) fast, and to understand how these would generate long-term ROIs.

We also made sure we are starting small and gradual, and not trying to replace processes, rather trying to figure out alternate methods for already existing ones. For this very same reason, while we have been working on specialized, sometimes one-off solutions for our employees and our clients, we haven’t embarked on a journey to create ‘mass’ experience yet – no digital lounge or similar, rather focus on bespoke tailored experiences for high level clients and employees.

These do cover a wide range of solutions – from holoportation for financial advisors, e-banking, IPO pitch book augmentation, path finding, datacenter discovery, various physical and social trainings, digital art gallery, and dozens of more. The reactions for these POCs are overwhelmingly positive, but most of them stayed POCs, waiting for the mass availability of devices, helped by the proper MDM (Mobile Device Management) solution. I have the hope, that some vendor’s familiarity in the crowd that are now entering the market will help increasing the size of the addressable market to the level. Similar turn of events we saw first with “we do have a computer at work, I need a personal one at home” and continued with “I have a (non-blackberry) smartphone at home, I would like to use smartphones at work”, so I hope a similar “I have a semi-entertainment semi-professional XR device at home, can I use it at work” is going to be the next step πŸ™‚

From the many POCs, hallway testing, working with vendors, etc, looks like our view can be crystalized that instead of using a particular vendor’s solution (let it be a hardware or a software), we have been looking at solutions that are more generic and applicable cross multiple vendor’s platforms – this is where development platform knowledge like Unity or Unreal comes handy.

What did we learn?

Next to some of the items above I mentioned, we learned a lot of things that we did not expect to – among these were to be able to draw up a matrix of incompatible versions of Unity, Unreal, software plugins, hardware connections, flaky over the air updates, the different physical and virtual machine requirements, the harder than expected initial device management, and more.

Was it worth it? Completely and deeply Yes. Many cases we were the first enterprise company using a solution or two or being allowed to check out an in-progress hardware device and help finding the flaws for a finance company or an enterprise in it. Especially when we started on this journey, back in 2016, everything was new, graphical designers lacked the skills, software lacked the non admin install options, I can continue endlessly.

Luckily, if we were to start now, in 2023, this would be very different. We have our trusted partners for designing the XR interfaces, who understand our limitations and requirements of our industry and the technology sometimes better than we do. We have elaborate integrations for our data feeds, with our device management, with minimal hassle to engage a new device and most importantly, to enable people to ‘bring their own’ devices if needed to participate in the experiences.

Also, we saw, how the words of John Riccitiello, Unity CEO are coming true from a previous AWE presentation of his – his definition of the Metaverse was much less of the headset and the spinning 3D objects and more: The metaverse is the next generation of the internet that is always real time, and mostly 3D, mostly interactive, mostly social and mostly persistent. When we built our cyber security tool, The Wall, giving a 100+ feet long, ~4 feet high touchscreen where you could conjure various real time data feeds and interact together standing in front of the wall – it was a good reason to soften up our approach and to tailor the definition of ‘metaverse’ a bit better. Similarly, many experiences can be done via a phone, tablet, or even on your computer screen – and then you are not affected by data security, device management, etc., and when the market and technology arrive to the right point, if your solution used something like of Unity or Unreal, you would be able to easily transfer it to an actual XR device.

What is the advice I would give to someone trying to start on this journey in their organization now?

Although you are not necessarily a pioneer anymore in the field, you would be one in your company. You have to be brave and bold πŸ™‚ Will all solutions work out of the box? Likely not, but we know the world has been moved ahead by people thinking outside the box.

Make sure to watch / read a lot of sci-fi πŸ˜€ Many of the ideas explained in Star Trek became reality in the decades since – tablets, communicators, and more. It surely will give you a base for having a good inspiration.

When it comes to your actual projects – first do think about augmenting an existing process instead of outright replacing something, this will make it an easier sell for sure. The most important point although is to find tech savvy sponsors from day one, it will help you propel your projects forward tremendously. What do I mean by this? Looking at the actual event, when asked who hasn’t tried such experience yet, around a quarter of the people raised their hand. This means, they knew that using the device won’t make them fall into the ‘ridiculous’ factor – e.g. most of the room already wore these strange contraptions on their head and seemingly 1.) survived it 2.) kept their job after sawn wearing one (not necessarily on the street, we are probably not there yet still πŸ˜€ ). Given a similar situation in a C-suite board room, most likely everyone would skip wearing the devices as it would run the risk, that they would look ridiculous.


In conclusion, the Future of Work event at Meta not only showcased the exciting developments in XR but also provided Nat and me a wonderful opportunity to share our valuable lessons learned on the journey. Do not hesitate, please do join us – by embracing the immersive technologies, organizations can unlock new possibilities, enhance existing processes, and create transformative experiences that shape the Future of Work.

Enhancing Application Resiliency: The Role of Circuit Breakers


In the ever-evolving world of software development and distributed systems, ensuring application resiliency has become a paramount concern. As applications grow more complex, with increasing dependencies on various services and APIs, it becomes essential to handle failures gracefully. Circuit breakers have emerged as a powerful pattern to improve application resiliency and protect against cascading failures. This article explores the concept of circuit breakers and their role in enhancing application resiliency.

Understanding Circuit Breakers

In the realm of electrical engineering, a circuit breaker is a safety device that protects an electrical circuit from damage caused by excessive current. It “breaks” the circuit when it detects a fault or overload, thereby preventing further damage. Translating this concept to software development, circuit breakers act as similar safeguards within distributed systems.

In the context of applications, a circuit breaker is a design pattern that allows services to intelligently handle failures and prevent them from propagating throughout the system. It acts as an intermediary between a caller and a remote service, monitoring the service’s health and availability. When the circuit breaker detects that the remote service is experiencing issues, it trips the circuit, effectively preventing further requests from reaching the service. Instead, it can return predefined fallback responses, cached data, or perform alternative actions.

Advantages of Circuit Breakers

Fault Isolation

By utilizing circuit breakers, applications can isolate failures and prevent them from spreading across the entire system. When a remote service experiences issues or becomes unresponsive, the circuit breaker acts as a protective barrier, ensuring that the problematic service does not consume excessive resources or negatively impact the overall system’s performance.

Graceful Degradation

Circuit breakers enable graceful degradation by providing fallback mechanisms. Instead of overwhelming a struggling service with continuous requests, the circuit breaker can return predefined fallback responses or utilize cached data. This ensures that the application remains functional, even when external services are temporarily unavailable.

Fail-Fast Principle

Circuit breakers follow the fail-fast principle, which aims to detect and react to failures quickly. By monitoring the health of remote services, circuit breakers can rapidly identify and respond to failures, thereby reducing the time spent waiting for unresponsive services and minimizing the overall system latency.

Automatic Recovery

Circuit breakers include built-in mechanisms for automatic recovery. After a certain period of time, the circuit breaker can attempt to re-establish connections with the remote service. If the service recovers, the circuit breaker resumes normal operation. This automated recovery process reduces manual intervention and allows the system to return to its optimal state efficiently.

Monitoring and Insights

Circuit breakers often provide monitoring and metrics, allowing developers and system administrators to gain insights into the health and performance of services. By collecting data on failures, trip rates, and recovery rates, teams can identify recurring issues, track service-level agreements (SLAs), and make informed decisions to improve the overall system resilience.


In the face of increasing complexity and reliance on distributed systems, circuit breakers have become a valuable tool for enhancing application resiliency. By isolating failures, providing fallback mechanisms, and enabling fail-fast behavior, circuit breakers protect applications from cascading failures, ensure graceful degradation, and minimize downtime. Their automatic recovery capabilities and monitoring features empower development teams to build resilient and robust applications.

As software systems continue to evolve and scale, adopting circuit breakers as part of an overall resilience strategy is a prudent choice. By embracing this pattern, developers can build applications that can withstand failures, recover gracefully, and deliver a reliable and consistent user experience, even in challenging circumstances.

The Value of Synthetic Data: Unlocking Innovation in the Digital Age


In today’s data-driven world, information has become a valuable asset, powering everything from artificial intelligence algorithms to personalized marketing strategies. However, acquiring and utilizing large-scale, high-quality data sets can be a significant challenge for businesses and researchers alike. This is where synthetic data comes into play, offering immense value by providing realistic and privacy-preserving alternatives to real-world data. In this article, we explore the value of synthetic data and its potential to unlock innovation in the digital age.

Understanding Synthetic Data

Synthetic data refers to artificially generated data that mimics the statistical characteristics and patterns of real-world data. It is created using sophisticated algorithms and models, often utilizing techniques such as generative adversarial networks (GANs), variational autoencoders (VAEs), and deep learning architectures. By replicating the statistical properties of real data, synthetic data allows researchers and businesses to work with vast, diverse datasets without compromising privacy or security.

The Value of Synthetic Data

Privacy Preservation

In an era where data privacy and protection are paramount, synthetic data offers a crucial advantage. Since it does not contain any personally identifiable information (PII) or sensitive details, synthetic data eliminates privacy concerns associated with handling and sharing real-world data. This opens up new opportunities for collaboration, research, and innovation without breaching privacy regulations.


Acquiring large-scale, representative datasets can be costly, time-consuming, or even impossible in some cases. Synthetic data addresses this challenge by enabling the creation of massive datasets that can be tailored to specific needs. Researchers can generate synthetic data to match the distribution of real data, allowing them to explore complex scenarios and test algorithms at scale.

Data Diversity and Augmentation

Synthetic data provides the flexibility to simulate a wide range of scenarios and data variations. By altering key attributes and parameters, researchers can generate data that represents various demographic groups, geographical locations, or unusual edge cases. This diversity allows for robust algorithm testing, improving the accuracy and generalizability of models in real-world applications.

Bias Mitigation

Real-world datasets often reflect inherent biases present in society. These biases can be unintentionally learned and perpetuated by machine learning algorithms, leading to biased decision-making and unfair outcomes. Synthetic data offers an opportunity to address this issue by generating balanced datasets that reduce or eliminate biases. Researchers can intentionally design synthetic data that promotes fairness, inclusivity, and social equity.

Training and Testing Algorithms

Synthetic data serves as a valuable resource for training and testing machine learning algorithms. It allows researchers to create controlled environments to benchmark models, ensuring they perform optimally before deploying them in real-world settings. Synthetic data facilitates the development of robust algorithms capable of handling a wide range of situations, contributing to more reliable and trustworthy AI systems.

Security and Anomaly Detection

Synthetic data can be instrumental in bolstering cybersecurity efforts. By simulating a variety of security threats, researchers can train algorithms to detect and respond to anomalies or malicious activities. Synthetic data enables the testing of cybersecurity measures without exposing real data or risking actual breaches, helping organizations strengthen their defenses against evolving threats.


The value of synthetic data in the digital age cannot be overstated. Its ability to provide realistic yet privacy-preserving alternatives to real-world data opens up new frontiers for research, innovation, and problem-solving across various domains. Synthetic data empowers businesses and researchers to work with vast, diverse datasets, while addressing privacy concerns, scalability limitations, bias issues, and security challenges. As technology continues to advance, synthetic data will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in unlocking the full potential of data-driven solutions and propelling us further into a future powered by intelligent systems.

Embracing Life’s Defeats: Captain Picard’s Wisdom


Captain Jean-Luc Picard, an iconic character from the beloved Star Trek franchise, has inspired generations with his wisdom, leadership, and philosophical insights. One of his most poignant quotes, “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness; that is life,” encapsulates the profound understanding he possesses about the nature of success, failure, and the essence of human existence. In this article, we delve into the significance of these words and explore the valuable lessons they impart.

Embracing the Inevitable

Life is a complex tapestry of experiences, and Captain Picard acknowledges that even with impeccable judgment, unwavering dedication, and flawless execution, victory is not always guaranteed. He recognizes that the outcome of our endeavors is often beyond our control, shaped by various external factors, circumstances, and the choices of others. Through this quote, he urges us to embrace the inevitable reality that even our best efforts may sometimes lead to failure.

Beyond Perfection

In a society that often equates mistakes and failure with weakness or incompetence, Captain Picard challenges this notion. He teaches us that it is possible to perform flawlessly and still face defeat. This perspective is a powerful reminder that success and failure are not solely determined by our actions but are also influenced by chance, timing, and the unpredictable nature of the universe. Accepting this truth allows us to liberate ourselves from the burden of perfectionism and foster resilience in the face of adversity.

The Depth of Character

Captain Picard’s quote encapsulates the profound understanding that true strength lies in how we respond to failure rather than in the absence of mistakes. It highlights the importance of resilience, adaptability, and perseverance in the face of defeat. Losing gracefully and maintaining one’s dignity and integrity in such circumstances are reflections of a person’s character. By acknowledging that defeat is an inherent part of life, Captain Picard reminds us to value personal growth, self-reflection, and the development of emotional intelligence as essential elements of our journey.

The Essence of Life

In his statement, Captain Picard encapsulates the essence of life itself. Life is not a linear progression of victories, but rather a series of ups and downs, filled with unpredictable twists and turns. Embracing this reality enables us to appreciate the beauty and complexity of our existence. It allows us to savor the moments of triumph while finding strength and meaning in the face of setbacks. Captain Picard’s words encourage us to live fully, embracing both the joys and sorrows that make our lives truly worthwhile.

Learning from Failure

While defeat can be disheartening, it is also an invaluable teacher. By acknowledging that even without mistakes, failure is a possibility, Captain Picard implores us to view failure as an opportunity for growth and self-improvement. It prompts us to reflect on our actions, reassess our strategies, and learn valuable lessons from our experiences. Through this lens, failure becomes a stepping stone toward future success, enabling us to refine our skills, broaden our perspectives, and become better versions of ourselves.


Captain Picard’s quote, “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness; that is life,” resonates deeply because it speaks to the fundamental truths of the human condition. It reminds us that life is unpredictable, and success is not solely measured by the absence of mistakes but by how we respond to setbacks and failures. By embracing defeat with grace, learning from our experiences, and persisting in the face of adversity, we can navigate the journey of life with resilience and wisdom. Captain Picard’s timeless wisdom serves as a guiding light, inspiring us to embrace the challenges, complexities, and uncertainties that define our existence.

Leaders: Engaging Questions for Recognition

As a leader, one of the most crucial responsibilities is to create and maintain an engaged and motivated team. However, there are times when team members may start to disengage, leading to decreased productivity, lower morale, and an overall negative impact on the team’s performance. When faced with this situation, great leaders understand the importance of self-reflection and asking themselves the right questions to identify the root causes of disengagement. By doing so, they can take proactive measures to re-engage their team members and foster a positive work environment. Here are some essential questions great leaders ask themselves:

Am I casting vision?

Leaders must communicate a compelling vision that inspires and motivates their team. When team members lose sight of the bigger picture, they may become disengaged. By asking themselves if they are effectively casting vision, leaders can evaluate whether they have communicated the team’s goals, objectives, and the impact their work has on the organization.

Am I lifting up others?

A leader’s role extends beyond merely delegating tasks. Great leaders recognize the importance of supporting and empowering their team members. They ask themselves if they are providing adequate recognition and praise for their team’s accomplishments. By acknowledging and appreciating their team’s efforts, leaders can boost morale and encourage continued engagement.

Am I being transparent in sharing good and bad news?

Transparency is key to building trust within a team. Leaders should ask themselves if they are openly communicating both positive and negative news. Sharing good news celebrates successes and fosters a positive environment. Conversely, sharing bad news demonstrates honesty and allows the team to collectively address challenges. By maintaining transparent communication, leaders can prevent their team members from feeling disconnected or left in the dark.

Am I setting clear expectations?

Unclear expectations can lead to confusion and disengagement. Great leaders ask themselves if they have provided clear instructions, defined goals, and communicated performance expectations. By ensuring clarity, leaders enable their team members to understand their roles and responsibilities, empowering them to perform at their best.

Am I clear about our purpose? Do I explain the ‘why’?

Team members become more engaged when they understand the purpose behind their work. Leaders should ask themselves if they have effectively communicated the ‘why’ behind the team’s projects and initiatives. By explaining how their work contributes to the organization’s larger goals and impacts the lives of others, leaders can inspire a sense of purpose and increase engagement.

Am I constantly seeking input?

Engagement is not a one-way street. Great leaders understand that fostering a collaborative environment requires actively seeking input from their team members. They ask themselves if they are open to ideas, suggestions, and feedback. By valuing their team’s perspectives, leaders can make their members feel heard, valued, and more invested in the team’s success.

Does my team know that I care and appreciate them?

Showing genuine care and appreciation for team members is essential for maintaining engagement. Leaders should ask themselves if their team knows that they genuinely care about their well-being and appreciate their efforts. Regularly expressing gratitude, checking in on their team’s welfare, and offering support can create a positive and supportive work environment.

By consistently asking themselves these questions, leaders can gain valuable insights into their leadership practices and identify areas for improvement. Recognizing disengaging team members is only the first step. Taking action based on the answers to these questions will enable leaders to re-engage their team, drive productivity, and foster a culture of motivation and success. Remember, great leaders are not afraid to reflect, adapt, and invest in their team’s growth and development.

Lessons from the American Independence War: Insights for the IT Industry


The American Independence War, fought between 1775 and 1783, marked a significant turning point in world history. It was a battle for freedom and independence, fought by the American colonies against the mighty British Empire. While the war may seem unrelated to the modern-day IT industry, there are valuable lessons we can learn from this historic event. The principles of perseverance, innovation, collaboration, and adaptability exhibited during the American Independence War offer invaluable insights that can be applied to the ever-evolving world of information technology.

Perseverance in the face of adversity

The American colonies faced immense challenges during the war, including limited resources, an experienced enemy, and a protracted conflict. However, they demonstrated extraordinary perseverance, refusing to give up their fight for independence. Similarly, the IT industry often encounters obstacles, such as complex technical problems, tight deadlines, and competitive pressures. By emulating the spirit of perseverance, IT professionals can overcome challenges, push boundaries, and achieve remarkable success.

Innovation and technological advancement

The American Independence War witnessed remarkable innovations in warfare techniques and technologies. Militias employed guerilla warfare, improvised explosives, and other creative tactics to counter the British forces. Similarly, the IT industry thrives on innovation and technological advancements. Constantly pushing the boundaries, IT professionals need to think creatively, embrace emerging technologies, and find new solutions to complex problems.

Collaboration and teamwork

The American colonies recognized the importance of unity and collaboration during the war. Despite their regional differences, they came together under a shared cause and formed a unified front. Likewise, the IT industry heavily relies on collaboration and teamwork. Cross-functional teams, agile methodologies, and effective communication are crucial for delivering successful IT projects. By fostering a culture of collaboration, IT organizations can enhance productivity, creativity, and overall project outcomes.

Adaptability to changing circumstances

The American colonies had to adapt their strategies and tactics as the war progressed. They learned from their failures, adjusted their approaches, and capitalized on opportunities. Similarly, the IT industry is characterized by rapid change, with new technologies, frameworks, and methodologies constantly emerging. IT professionals need to remain adaptable, continuously learn new skills, and embrace change to stay relevant and competitive in the ever-evolving IT landscape.

Information security and intelligence gathering

During the war, both the American colonies and the British forces recognized the significance of intelligence gathering and information security. Spies played a crucial role in gathering intelligence and protecting sensitive information. In the IT industry, data security and privacy are of paramount importance. Protecting sensitive data, implementing robust cybersecurity measures, and ensuring compliance with regulations are essential for maintaining trust and integrity.


The American Independence War holds valuable lessons for the IT industry. By drawing inspiration from the principles of perseverance, innovation, collaboration, and adaptability demonstrated during the war, IT professionals can navigate the challenges of the digital age more effectively. The war’s legacy serves as a reminder that the path to success often requires resilience, creativity, teamwork, and the ability to embrace change. By incorporating these lessons, the IT industry can continue to thrive and drive innovation in the ever-changing technological landscape.

Why You Need to Lint Kusto Queries

In the world of data analysis and query languages, Kusto (also known as Azure Data Explorer) has gained significant popularity due to its efficiency and scalability. Kusto is a powerful tool for analyzing large volumes of data, and it offers a flexible query language that allows users to perform complex operations. However, like any other programming language, writing Kusto queries can be prone to errors and inconsistencies. That’s where linting comes in.

Linting, in the context of programming, refers to the process of analyzing code for potential errors, style violations, and best practices. It helps identify and correct issues early in the development process, leading to cleaner and more maintainable code. The benefits of linting extend beyond traditional programming languages and apply equally to query languages like Kusto. Here are some compelling reasons why you need to lint your Kusto queries:

Improved Code Quality

Linting your Kusto queries ensures that your code adheres to a set of predefined standards and best practices. It enforces consistency in naming conventions, indentation, and formatting. By maintaining a consistent code style, linting makes your queries easier to read, understand, and debug. It also helps catch common mistakes and potential bugs, resulting in cleaner and higher quality code overall.

Enhanced Readability

Well-formatted and organized code is crucial for collaboration and maintenance. Linting enforces a consistent code style, making your queries more readable and understandable for other team members. When multiple analysts or developers are working on a project, linting ensures that everyone follows the same conventions, reducing confusion and improving the efficiency of code reviews and knowledge sharing.

Efficient Debugging

When you encounter errors or unexpected behavior in your Kusto queries, debugging can be a time-consuming process. Linting helps you catch common mistakes and potential issues early on, reducing the likelihood of encountering errors during runtime. By adhering to linting rules, you can identify and fix errors quickly, resulting in faster and more efficient debugging sessions.

Performance Optimization

Linting not only helps catch syntax errors and coding inconsistencies but can also provide suggestions for performance optimization. Some linting tools can analyze your queries and provide recommendations on query structure and efficiency. By following these recommendations, you can fine-tune your queries and improve their performance, leading to faster data analysis and reduced resource consumption.

Scalability and Maintenance

As your Kusto queries grow in complexity and your data volume increases, maintaining and modifying queries becomes more challenging. Linting plays a crucial role in ensuring that your queries remain maintainable over time. By enforcing best practices and consistent code styles, linting makes it easier to understand and modify queries, even when they span hundreds or thousands of lines. It helps avoid the accumulation of technical debt, making your codebase more scalable and reducing the effort required for future maintenance.


Linting provides a standard set of rules and guidelines for writing Kusto queries. This standardization is especially valuable in a team environment where multiple analysts or developers work on the same codebase. By adhering to linting rules, you ensure that everyone follows the same practices, resulting in a cohesive codebase and reducing the likelihood of errors caused by individual preferences or lack of knowledge.

In conclusion, linting your Kusto queries brings numerous benefits to your data analysis workflow. It improves code quality, enhances readability, facilitates efficient debugging, and provides performance optimization suggestions. Additionally, linting ensures scalability and maintainability of your queries, while promoting standardization across your team. By investing time in linting, you can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your data analysis projects using Kusto.

Would You Use XR for Decision Making?

In recent years, extended reality (XR) technologies have rapidly advanced, offering immersive and interactive experiences that blend the real and virtual worlds. XR encompasses virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR), enabling users to engage with digital content in various ways. While XR has predominantly been associated with gaming and entertainment, its potential for decision making is an area worth exploring. Imagine being able to visualize data, simulate scenarios, and evaluate options in a highly immersive and intuitive manner. But the question remains: Would you use XR for decision making?

Before delving into the merits and considerations, it’s important to understand the capabilities of XR. VR creates a fully synthetic environment, transporting users to simulated worlds that can be designed to replicate real-life situations or entirely new contexts. AR overlays digital information onto the real world, enhancing our perception of reality. MR, on the other hand, blends virtual and real elements, allowing users to interact with both simultaneously.

One of the primary advantages of XR for decision making is its ability to provide a more intuitive and immersive experience. Traditional decision-making processes often involve analyzing data, considering various factors, and imagining potential outcomes. XR can enhance this process by visualizing data in three dimensions, providing spatial context, and enabling users to manipulate and interact with the information. Instead of relying solely on charts and graphs, decision makers can step into a virtual environment and gain a deeper understanding of the data at hand.

Furthermore, XR can facilitate simulation and scenario testing, which is particularly valuable in complex decision-making situations. For example, architects and engineers can use XR to visualize building designs and evaluate their feasibility before construction begins. Similarly, medical professionals can simulate surgeries, allowing for practice and refinement of techniques in a safe and controlled environment. By immersing users in lifelike simulations, XR enables decision makers to explore the potential consequences of their choices without the need for costly or risky real-world experiments.

Another consideration is the potential for collaborative decision making in XR environments. XR can bring geographically dispersed individuals together in shared virtual spaces, enabling real-time collaboration and communication. This has significant implications for businesses with remote teams or multinational operations. Decision makers can convene in a virtual boardroom, review data and proposals, and engage in discussions as if they were physically present. The ability to interact with each other and the shared content in a more natural and immersive manner can enhance the decision-making process by fostering greater engagement and understanding among participants.

Despite these promising aspects, there are also challenges and limitations to using XR for decision making. One key challenge is the need for accessible and user-friendly XR technology. While the hardware and software associated with XR have become more sophisticated, they still require investment and expertise to implement effectively. Overcoming the learning curve and ensuring widespread adoption may take time and resources.

Furthermore, there are ethical considerations surrounding the use of XR for decision making. The potential for manipulation and bias in the creation and presentation of virtual environments and data visualizations must be addressed. Decision makers must be vigilant in ensuring that XR tools and experiences are transparent, accurate, and free from undue influence. Additionally, there may be concerns about privacy and security in XR environments, particularly when dealing with sensitive or confidential information.

Ultimately, the decision to use XR for decision making depends on the specific context, requirements, and resources available. For industries such as architecture, engineering, healthcare, and manufacturing, XR can be a game-changer, offering novel ways to analyze, simulate, and collaborate. However, for simpler decision-making tasks or organizations with limited budgets, the benefits may not outweigh the costs and complexities associated with XR implementation.

As XR technologies continue to evolve and become more accessible, the potential for their application in decision making will likely expand. It is crucial for decision makers, technologists, and policymakers to collaborate and navigate the ethical, practical, and societal implications of integrating XR into decision-making processes. With careful consideration and responsible use, XR has the potential to revolutionize how decisions are made, providing more immersive, informed, and impactful outcomes.