The demise of Windows Phone and what we can learn from it

Little preamble – I was one of the lucky ones allowed to try out the new Windows Phone back in 2007, before the iPhone 1 got released, and were among the many who did not understood why waiting another 3 years with the release, why disallow android apps (we knew it can run them), etc.

In 2010, Microsoft released its Windows Phone operating system, hoping to take on the dominant mobile platforms, Android and iOS. However, after a few years of lackluster sales, Microsoft discontinued the platform in 2017. While the lack of apps is often cited as the main reason for its failure, there were other factors at play. In this article, we will explore the reasons why Windows Phone failed, besides the lack of apps.

Late to the game

Windows Phone was introduced in 2010, years after Android and iOS had already established themselves as the dominant players in the smartphone market. By the time Microsoft launched Windows Phone, the competition had already built strong ecosystems with a large number of apps, loyal users, and developer communities. Windows Phone was seen as a latecomer, and it faced an uphill battle to catch up with Android and iOS.

Weak marketing and brand image

Microsoft’s marketing efforts for Windows Phone were weak and ineffective. The company failed to convey a compelling message to consumers about what made Windows Phone unique or better than the competition. Additionally, Microsoft’s brand image at the time was still associated with traditional desktop computers, which made it difficult to establish credibility in the mobile market.

Lack of hardware diversity

While Android were available on a wide range of devices, Windows Phone was limited to a handful of devices from a few manufacturers. This lack of hardware diversity made it difficult for consumers to find the device that suited their needs, and it also limited the platform’s appeal to developers who were used to developing for a wide range of devices.

Inconsistent user experience

One of the strengths of Android and iOS is the consistency of the user experience across devices. In contrast, Windows Phone had a fragmented user experience across different devices, making it difficult for users to navigate and use the platform. This inconsistency also made it difficult for developers to create apps that worked well on all devices.

Lack of support from developers

The lack of apps is often cited as the primary reason for Windows Phone’s failure, but the lack of support from developers is a more significant issue. Developers were hesitant to invest time and resources in developing apps for Windows Phone due to the small market share and the difficulty of developing for the platform. As a result, the platform had a limited selection of apps, which further hurt its appeal to consumers.

In conclusion, the failure of Windows Phone was not just due to the lack of apps. It was a combination of factors, including being late to the game, weak marketing, lack of hardware diversity, inconsistent user experience, and the lack of support from developers. While Microsoft attempted to address some of these issues, it was ultimately too late, and the company had to abandon the platform.

The failure of Windows Phone provides valuable lessons for other companies launching new products in competitive markets. Here are some key takeaways:

Timing is critical

Timing is crucial in any product launch, especially in a highly competitive market. Companies need to consider when they enter the market and whether they have a compelling reason for consumers to switch from established players. Entering the market too late can make it difficult to gain traction and establish a foothold.

Marketing and branding are essential

Effective marketing and branding are critical to a product’s success. Companies need to develop a clear and compelling message that differentiates their product from the competition. Additionally, a strong brand image can help establish credibility and attract consumers.

Hardware diversity is important

Offering a range of devices can increase the appeal of a platform or product. By providing different options that cater to different user needs, companies can increase their potential customer base and attract a wider range of developers.

Consistency is key

Consistency is critical for creating a positive user experience. Consumers expect a certain level of consistency when using a product, and companies need to ensure that their product delivers a consistent user experience across devices.

Developer support is crucial

Developers play a significant role in the success of a platform or product. Companies need to provide developers with the tools and resources they need to develop apps and other software for their product. Additionally, companies need to incentivize developers to create apps for their platform by offering support and making it easy to develop for the platform.

In summary, the failure of Windows Phone highlights the importance of timing, marketing, branding, hardware diversity, consistency, and developer support in launching a successful product. Companies that take these lessons to heart are more likely to succeed in competitive markets and establish themselves as significant players in their industry.

And now onto Apple

Apple is rumored to be working on an augmented reality (AR) headset, which could revolutionize the way we interact with technology. While the success of the AR headset is not guaranteed, there are lessons that Apple can learn from the failure of Windows Phone to increase its chances of success.


Apple’s entry into the AR market needs to be carefully timed. The company needs to ensure that it has a compelling reason for consumers to switch to their AR headset and differentiate itself from competitors. Additionally, the company needs to consider the state of the technology and whether it is mature enough to deliver a compelling user experience.

Marketing and branding

Apple is known for its strong branding and marketing efforts. However, the company needs to ensure that it effectively communicates the benefits of its AR headset to consumers. Additionally, Apple needs to develop a clear and compelling message that differentiates its AR headset from competitors and establishes credibility in the AR market.

Hardware diversity

Apple has a history of offering a limited range of devices. However, for its AR headset to be successful, the company needs to offer a range of devices that cater to different user needs. This will increase the potential customer base and attract a wider range of developers.


Consistency is critical for creating a positive user experience. Apple needs to ensure that its AR headset delivers a consistent user experience across devices, ensuring that users have a seamless experience regardless of the device they use.

Developer support

Developers will play a critical role in the success of Apple’s AR headset. The company needs to provide developers with the tools and resources they need to create compelling AR experiences for users. Additionally, Apple needs to incentivize developers to create apps for its AR headset by offering support and making it easy to develop for the platform.

In conclusion, the failure of Windows Phone provides valuable lessons for companies launching new products in competitive markets. By taking these lessons to heart and applying them to the upcoming AR headset, Apple can increase its chances of success and establish itself as a significant player in the AR market.

The future is unpredictable skills

As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the jobs of the future will look very different from the jobs of today. In fact, many experts predict that many of the jobs that our children will have simply don’t exist yet. This means that as parents, we need to be preparing our children for a future that is largely unknown.

The idea that our children will have jobs that don’t yet exist may seem daunting, but it’s actually quite exciting. It means that they will have the opportunity to shape their own careers and find their own niche in the ever-evolving job market. The key to preparing our children for this future is to help them develop a range of skills and abilities that will be valuable no matter what career they choose.

One of the most important skills that our children will need is adaptability. They will need to be able to adapt quickly to new technologies and new ways of doing things. This means that they will need to be comfortable with change and willing to learn new skills on an ongoing basis.

Another important skill is creativity. As more and more jobs become automated, the ability to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions will become increasingly valuable. Our children will need to be able to think outside the box and approach problems from a variety of different angles.

In addition to these skills, our children will also need to develop strong communication and collaboration skills. As the workforce becomes more global and interconnected, the ability to communicate effectively with people from different cultures and backgrounds will be essential. Our children will also need to be able to work effectively in teams, both in person and remotely.

Finally, our children will need to develop a strong foundation in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) subjects. As technology continues to play an increasingly important role in our lives, jobs in these fields will continue to grow in demand. Even if our children don’t end up pursuing careers in STEM fields, having a solid foundation in these subjects will be valuable in almost any career.

As parents, it’s up to us to help our children develop these skills and abilities. We can do this by encouraging them to explore their interests and passions, exposing them to new ideas and experiences, and providing them with opportunities to learn and grow.

In conclusion, the idea that our children will have jobs that don’t exist yet may be intimidating, but it’s also a sign of an exciting and rapidly evolving job market. By helping our children develop a range of skills and abilities, we can prepare them for a future that is largely unknown but full of potential.

External Business Development? What’s that?

When I was at Microsoft, one of my roles was “External Business Development”. Yes, I had googly eyes on what that could be (one other role was “Solution Architect Evangelist” – clearly Microsoft’s (re)naming commando is not good with role names). So based on the few years I spent in that position, let me try to summarize what it was – I think this can be beneficial for positioning yourself in some cases.

External business development is the process of providing services to a company to help them identify new business opportunities, partnerships, and collaborations. As an external business development professional, your job is to help a company expand its business by identifying and pursuing new opportunities that can increase revenue, market share, and profitability.

If you are interested in becoming an external business development professional, here are some tips on how to get started:

Develop a deep understanding of the company’s business

Before you can identify new business opportunities for a company, you need to have a thorough understanding of its current business model, products or services, target market, and competitors. This will help you identify areas where the company can expand or improve its offerings.

Build a network of contacts

As an external business development professional, your success will depend largely on your ability to build relationships and network with other professionals in your industry. Attend industry events, conferences, and trade shows, and reach out to potential partners or customers to build your network.

Conduct market research

To identify new business opportunities, you need to conduct market research to identify trends, competitors, and potential partners. This will help you develop a strategy for identifying and pursuing new opportunities.

Develop a sales pitch

Once you have identified a potential business opportunity, you need to develop a sales pitch that highlights the benefits of working with your company. This should be tailored to the specific needs of the potential partner or customer, and should emphasize the unique value that your company can offer.

Follow up and maintain relationships

Building relationships is a key part of external business development. Once you have identified potential partners or customers, it is important to follow up and maintain those relationships over time. This can help you identify new opportunities and keep your company top-of-mind when new opportunities arise.

Stay up-to-date with industry trends

As an external business development professional, it is important to stay up-to-date with industry trends, new technologies, and emerging markets. This will help you identify new opportunities and stay ahead of the competition.

External business development can be a rewarding career path for individuals with strong networking and relationship-building skills, as well as a deep understanding of their industry. By following these tips, you can help companies identify and pursue new business opportunities, while building a successful career as an external business development professional. I tried following these ideas and main thoughts, and I do consider my stint as an external business development professional a success at Microsoft – and yes, I was getting extra kudos if my solution for a problem resulted in licenses 😂

Apple’s new revolution

The release of the iPhone in 2007 marked a turning point in the history of technology. It revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and live our lives. The impact of the iPhone was so significant that it changed the world forever. Today, Apple is preparing to release its AR/VR glasses, and many experts believe that this new technology will have an even greater impact on the world than the iPhone.

When the iPhone was released, it introduced a new era of smartphones. Prior to the iPhone, smartphones were bulky, complicated, and expensive devices that only a few people could afford. The iPhone changed all that by making smartphones accessible to everyone. It was sleek, simple to use, and affordable. The iPhone was the first smartphone that truly changed the game, and it became an instant hit.

The iPhone changed the world in many ways. It transformed the way we communicate, making it easier and more convenient than ever before. The iPhone allowed us to browse the internet, send emails, and text messages, all from the palm of our hand. It revolutionized the way we work, allowing us to be connected to our colleagues and clients no matter where we were. The iPhone also transformed the entertainment industry, making it possible to watch movies, listen to music, and play games on the go.

Now, Apple is set to do it again with its AR/VR glasses. The technology behind these glasses will allow users to immerse themselves in virtual and augmented reality experiences like never before. It will be a game-changer in the world of gaming, entertainment, and even education. Imagine being able to explore the world’s greatest museums and historical sites without ever leaving your living room. Imagine being able to attend concerts, conferences, and events from the comfort of your own home.

Apple’s AR/VR glasses will also change the way we interact with the world around us. It will allow us to visualize data and information in new ways, making it easier to understand complex concepts. It will also change the way we shop, allowing us to try on clothes and accessories virtually before making a purchase. The potential applications of this technology are endless.

But the impact of AR/VR glasses won’t just be limited to entertainment and education. It will also have significant implications for healthcare, architecture, and engineering. Imagine being able to perform surgery or design a building in a virtual environment. It will allow professionals in these fields to work more efficiently and effectively than ever before.

In conclusion, the release of the iPhone in 2007 changed the world forever. It transformed the way we communicate, work, and live our lives. Now, Apple is set to do it again with its AR/VR glasses. This new technology will allow us to immerse ourselves in virtual and augmented reality experiences like never before, and it will have a significant impact on a wide range of industries. The potential applications of this technology are endless, and it’s exciting to think about the possibilities that lie ahead.

You have your DevOps. Where is your DevRel?

In today’s technology-driven world, developers play a crucial role in creating and maintaining software solutions. As the demand for digital products and services continues to grow, it’s more important than ever for companies to establish a strong relationship with developers. This is where developer relations, or devrel, comes in. Devrel focuses on building strong relationships with developers to create a thriving community around your products and services.

If you’re a software company or any organization that relies on developers to create products or services, focusing on devrel can provide significant benefits. Here are some reasons why you should make devrel a priority.

Access to a wider talent pool

The developer community is vast and constantly growing. By establishing strong devrel programs, you can connect with a wider talent pool of developers who can help you create innovative solutions. You can also leverage their skills and knowledge to improve your existing products or services.

Enhanced product development

Developers are often the first to identify issues or potential improvements in your products or services. By building a strong devrel program, you can solicit feedback and suggestions from developers, which can help you create better products and services that meet the needs of your users.

Improved customer satisfaction

By providing developers with the tools and resources they need to create solutions using your products or services, you can improve overall customer satisfaction. Developers who are satisfied with your products are more likely to recommend them to others, which can increase your customer base.

Brand recognition

Devrel programs can help establish your brand as a leader in your industry. By providing developers with the tools, resources, and support they need to create innovative solutions, you can build a strong reputation as a company that values its developer community. This can help attract new customers and partners who want to work with a company that prioritizes innovation and collaboration.

Community building

Devrel programs provide an opportunity to build a community around your products and services. By engaging with developers and providing them with a platform to connect with each other, you can create a sense of belonging and foster collaboration among developers. This can lead to new partnerships and opportunities for innovation.

Now that we’ve discussed the importance of devrel, let’s dive into the different roles and responsibilities within a devrel program. Here are three key roles you’ll find in most devrel programs:

Developer Advocates

Developer advocates are the voice of the developer community within a company. They serve as the bridge between the company and the developer community, ensuring that the needs of developers are heard and addressed. Developer advocates often attend conferences and events, engage with developers on social media, and create content to help developers succeed with the company’s products or services. They also work closely with product teams to ensure that developers have the tools and resources they need to create solutions using the company’s products or services.

Developer Evangelists

Developer evangelists are responsible for spreading the word about a company’s products or services to the developer community. They attend conferences and events, create content, and engage with developers on social media to raise awareness and generate excitement about the company’s offerings. They also work closely with developer advocates and product teams to ensure that developers have a positive experience with the company’s products or services.

Community Managers

Community managers are responsible for building and nurturing the developer community around a company’s products or services. They engage with developers on social media, moderate online forums, and create events to bring developers together. They also work closely with developer advocates and developer evangelists to ensure that the needs of the community are being met.

Overall, devrel is a multifaceted discipline that requires a variety of roles and responsibilities to be successful. Developer advocates, developer evangelists, and community managers are just a few of the key roles you’ll find in most devrel programs. By working together, these roles help build a strong relationship between a company and the developer community, leading to improved products and services, enhanced customer satisfaction, and increased brand recognition.

In conclusion, investing in devrel can have a significant impact on your business. By establishing a strong relationship with developers, you can access a wider talent pool, improve your products and services, enhance customer satisfaction, build brand recognition, and foster a community of collaboration and innovation. By making devrel a priority, you can ensure that your business is well-positioned to succeed in today’s technology-driven world.

So I will just stream XR from the cloud?

The world of technology is constantly evolving and bringing us new and innovative ways to experience the digital world. One such innovation is XR cloud streaming, which has been gaining popularity in recent years. XR cloud streaming refers to the ability to stream extended reality (XR) content from the cloud, which includes virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). In this post, we will explore the benefits of XR cloud streaming and why it is a game-changer in the world of XR.


One of the most significant benefits of XR cloud streaming is accessibility. With XR cloud streaming, users can experience XR content without the need for expensive hardware. Traditional VR and AR experiences require powerful computers or mobile devices, which can be expensive and inaccessible to many people. With XR cloud streaming, users can access the same high-quality XR experiences on almost any device with an internet connection, making it more accessible to people worldwide.

Reduced Latency

XR cloud streaming can significantly reduce latency compared to traditional XR experiences. Latency is the time delay between an action in the XR environment and the corresponding response from the device. High latency can cause motion sickness and can make XR experiences feel sluggish and unresponsive. With XR cloud streaming, the processing power is moved to the cloud, reducing the latency to almost zero. This makes the XR experience much smoother and more responsive.

Reduced Cost

XR cloud streaming can significantly reduce the cost of creating and delivering XR content. Traditional XR experiences require expensive hardware, software development, and server infrastructure. With XR cloud streaming, the processing power is moved to the cloud, reducing the need for expensive hardware and server infrastructure. This can make it easier and more affordable for developers to create and deliver high-quality XR experiences.


XR cloud streaming offers the scalability that traditional XR experiences cannot match. With traditional XR experiences, the hardware and server infrastructure limit the number of concurrent users. With XR cloud streaming, the processing power is moved to the cloud, allowing for an almost unlimited number of concurrent users. This scalability makes it easier to create and deliver XR experiences to large audiences, such as in trade shows, conferences, and education.

Enhanced Security

XR cloud streaming offers enhanced security compared to traditional XR experiences. With traditional XR experiences, the hardware and software are vulnerable to hacking and cyber-attacks. With XR cloud streaming, the processing power is moved to the cloud, making it more difficult for hackers to access the hardware and software. This enhanced security makes XR cloud streaming a safer and more secure option for delivering XR experiences.

So, is the world full of pink (remote streaming) clouds? Sadly not. While XR cloud streaming has many benefits, it is still a developing technology with several limitations that need to be addressed to realize its full potential. Here are some current limitations of the technology and how they can be remediated:

Internet Connectivity

XR cloud streaming relies on stable and fast internet connectivity to deliver high-quality XR experiences. However, not everyone has access to high-speed internet, which can affect the quality of the XR experience. To remediate this limitation, developers can optimize the XR cloud streaming technology to work with lower bandwidths and improve compression algorithms to reduce the amount of data that needs to be transmitted.

Quality of Service

The quality of service of XR cloud streaming is heavily dependent on the server’s processing power and the available network resources. If the server is overloaded or the network is congested, it can affect the quality of the XR experience. To remediate this limitation, developers can implement load balancing techniques that distribute the processing workload across multiple servers, ensuring a consistent quality of service.


While XR cloud streaming reduces latency, there is still room for improvement. Any delay in the XR experience can affect the user’s immersion and cause motion sickness. To remediate this limitation, developers can continue to improve the compression and streaming algorithms, reducing the amount of data that needs to be transmitted and increasing the streaming speed.

Data Privacy and Security

XR cloud streaming involves transmitting sensitive user data, such as location and biometric information, to the cloud, making data privacy and security a major concern. To remediate this limitation, developers can implement robust encryption techniques and ensure that user data is stored and transmitted securely. Additionally, they can implement access controls and authentication mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access to user data.

In conclusion, XR cloud streaming has many benefits, but it is still a developing technology with limitations that need to be addressed. Developers need to optimize the technology to work with lower bandwidths, implement load balancing techniques, reduce latency, and ensure data privacy and security to provide a high-quality and secure XR experience to users. With continued improvements, XR cloud streaming has the potential to revolutionize the XR industry and make high-quality XR experiences more accessible to people worldwide

Start forgetting your passwords!

Passwords have been an essential part of our digital lives since the beginning of the internet. They are used to protect our personal information, financial data, and sensitive documents. However, passwords have proven to be vulnerable to cyber-attacks, with hackers employing various tactics to crack or steal them. As technology advances, the need for more robust and secure authentication methods has become apparent. This is where the concept of passwordless authentication comes in.

The future is passwordless, and this means that we will no longer need to remember or use passwords to access our online accounts. Instead, passwordless authentication relies on technologies such as biometrics, multi-factor authentication, and public-key cryptography. With passwordless authentication, users can authenticate themselves without having to enter a password, making it more convenient and secure.

The passwordless movement is gaining momentum, with major companies like Microsoft, Google, and Apple leading the way. Microsoft has been promoting passwordless authentication for several years and has integrated it into its Windows Hello biometric authentication platform. Google has also introduced passwordless authentication for its users, allowing them to sign in using biometric sensors or physical security keys.

One of the most promising technologies for passwordless authentication is biometrics. Biometric authentication uses unique physiological traits like fingerprints, facial recognition, and voice recognition to verify a user’s identity. Unlike passwords, biometric data cannot be stolen, making it a much more secure authentication method. With the increasing availability of biometric sensors on devices, it’s becoming easier to implement biometric authentication across different platforms.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is another passwordless authentication method gaining popularity. MFA involves using more than one authentication factor, such as a password and a fingerprint scan, to verify a user’s identity. This method is much more secure than using a single password and is difficult to crack, making it an ideal passwordless authentication method.

Public-key cryptography is another promising technology for passwordless authentication. This method involves using a private key stored on a user’s device to authenticate them without the need for a password. This method is highly secure and cannot be replicated, making it an ideal authentication method for sensitive data and financial transactions.

While the future may be passwordless, the reality is that we are not yet there. There are several reasons why the shift towards passwordless authentication has not happened yet.

One of the primary reasons is the lack of standardization in the industry. With many different authentication methods available, there is no standard way to authenticate users. This creates confusion and makes it difficult for users to adopt new authentication methods, resulting in resistance to change.

Another significant challenge is the cost and complexity of implementing new authentication methods. For businesses and organizations, implementing passwordless authentication requires investment in new hardware and software, as well as training for employees and customers. The cost and complexity of these implementations can be a significant barrier to adoption.

There is also the issue of user privacy and security. With biometrics, for example, there is a concern that biometric data may be stolen or used without user consent. This creates a challenge for businesses and organizations that want to implement passwordless authentication methods while ensuring that user data is secure.

Finally, there is the issue of user behavior. Many users have become accustomed to using passwords as a means of authentication, and changing these habits can be challenging. Users may also resist using new authentication methods, preferring to stick with what they are familiar with, even if it is less secure.

Despite these challenges, the shift towards passwordless authentication is happening, albeit slowly. Many companies are investing in research and development to improve authentication methods and make them more user-friendly and secure. As more businesses and organizations adopt passwordless authentication, the cost of implementation will decrease, making it more accessible to smaller organizations and individuals. Additionally, as more people become aware of the security benefits of passwordless authentication, there may be increased demand for it, driving adoption forward.

In conclusion, the future is passwordless, but the path to get there is not without challenges. Standardization, cost and complexity, privacy and security concerns, and user behavior are all factors that have slowed the adoption of passwordless authentication. However, with continued investment in research and development and increased awareness of the benefits of passwordless authentication, we can expect to see a gradual shift towards more secure and convenient authentication methods.

Open Source Summit by the Linux Foundation!

In the world of software development, the Linux Foundation has become a household name. This organization has been instrumental in promoting and supporting the use of open-source technologies and providing a platform for collaboration between developers, companies, and other stakeholders. One of the ways the Linux Foundation achieves this is through its Open Source Summit, a yearly event that brings together experts, developers, and enthusiasts in the open-source community. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why you should join the Linux Foundation’s Open Source Summit.

Open Source Summit is ON!

Network with Experts and Peers

The Linux Foundation’s Open Source Summit provides a unique opportunity to network with experts and peers from all over the world. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your career in open source, this event offers a chance to connect with like-minded individuals and learn from their experiences. You can engage with fellow developers in panel discussions, workshops, and breakout sessions, and gain insights into the latest trends and technologies in the field.

Learn from Keynotes and Sessions

The Open Source Summit features keynotes from renowned industry leaders who share their insights on the latest developments in the open-source ecosystem. These keynotes cover a range of topics, from emerging technologies to best practices in open source development. The summit also includes technical sessions that cover various aspects of open-source technology, including cloud computing, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and more. You can learn from some of the brightest minds in the industry and stay updated on the latest trends and developments.

Gain New Perspectives

The Linux Foundation’s Open Source Summit is an excellent opportunity to gain new perspectives on the role of open source in the industry. You can learn about different approaches to open source development and discover new ways to contribute to the community. The summit provides a platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing, allowing you to connect with peers and experts from different backgrounds and industries. By attending the Open Source Summit, you can broaden your horizons and gain fresh insights into the world of open source.

Contribute to Open Source

The Open Source Summit is not just about learning; it’s also about contributing to the open-source community. The Linux Foundation provides a range of opportunities for developers to contribute to open-source projects, from hackathons to code sprints. These events offer a chance to work on real-world problems and contribute to open-source projects that can have a significant impact on the industry. By participating in these events, you can build your skills and contribute to the growth of the open-source ecosystem.

Stay Ahead of the Curve

The open-source ecosystem is constantly evolving, and it’s essential to stay ahead of the curve to remain competitive. By attending the Linux Foundation’s Open Source Summit, you can stay updated on the latest trends and technologies in the industry. You can learn about emerging technologies and gain insights into best practices for open-source development. This knowledge can help you stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive in the ever-changing technology landscape.


The Linux Foundation’s Open Source Summit is an excellent opportunity for developers, companies, and other stakeholders in the open-source community to connect, collaborate, and learn from one another. By attending the summit, you can gain new perspectives, contribute to open-source projects, and stay updated on the latest trends and technologies in the industry. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your career in open source, the Open Source Summit provides a platform for growth, collaboration, and innovation.

You have your goals. Now, how to reach them?

Setting goals is a crucial step towards achieving success in any area of your life. Whether you’re pursuing a personal, academic, or professional goal, having a clear sense of what you want to achieve is essential to staying motivated and focused. However, simply setting a goal is not enough. To make meaningful progress, you must also establish milestones along the way.

Milestones are specific, measurable targets that help you track your progress towards your larger goal. They provide a roadmap for success, breaking down your goal into smaller, manageable steps that are easier to achieve. Additionally, milestones allow you to celebrate your progress along the way, giving you a sense of accomplishment and motivation to keep going.

So, how do you set up your milestones? Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Define your goal: The first step in setting up your milestones is to clearly define your goal. What exactly do you want to achieve, and why is it important to you? Write down your goal and make sure it is specific, measurable, and realistic.
  2. Break it down: Once you have a clear goal in mind, break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. For example, if your goal is to run a marathon, your milestones might include running a certain distance each week, completing a half marathon, and increasing your speed over time.
  3. Determine timelines: Assign a timeline to each of your milestones. When do you want to achieve each step, and how long will it take you to get there? Be realistic, but also set deadlines that will motivate you to stay on track.
  4. Evaluate your progress: Regularly evaluate your progress towards each milestone. Are you on track to achieve it within the timeline you set? If not, what adjustments do you need to make to stay on track?
  5. Celebrate your achievements: Finally, take time to celebrate each milestone you achieve. This will help you stay motivated and focused on your ultimate goal. Whether it’s a small reward for yourself or sharing your achievement with others, celebrate your progress along the way.

Setting up milestones is essential to achieving your goals. By breaking down your larger goal into smaller, manageable steps, assigning timelines, and evaluating your progress along the way, you can stay motivated and on track towards success. So, take the time to set up your milestones today and start making progress towards your goals.

However, life is not perfect. Setting up milestones is a helpful strategy to stay on track towards achieving your goals. However, even with careful planning, it’s possible to miss a milestone. It’s important to know how to handle the situation when it happens.

  1. Reassess your timeline: If you miss a milestone, take the time to reassess your timeline. Is your timeline still realistic? Do you need to adjust your timeline or make changes to your plan to ensure you can still achieve your ultimate goal? Be flexible and willing to make adjustments as necessary.
  2. Analyze the reasons for missing the milestone: Take the time to analyze why you missed the milestone. Did you encounter unexpected challenges or obstacles? Did you set unrealistic expectations for yourself? Identifying the reasons behind the missed milestone can help you avoid similar issues in the future.
  3. Adjust your approach: Based on your analysis of why you missed the milestone, adjust your approach. Consider different strategies or methods to help you stay on track towards your goal. Be open to trying new things and finding what works best for you.
  4. Refocus and recommit: Finally, refocus and recommit to your goal. Use the missed milestone as a learning opportunity and a chance to recommit to your goal. Stay motivated and stay positive, and keep pushing towards your ultimate goal.

In summary, missing a milestone can be a setback, but it’s not the end of the road. By reassessing your timeline, analyzing the reasons for missing the milestone, adjusting your approach, and refocusing and recommitting to your goal, you can get back on track towards success. Remember, setbacks are a natural part of the journey towards achieving your goals. The important thing is to stay committed and keep moving forward.

Modern day Luddites – how not to prevent technology change the way you do your job

Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, and its impact on the way we work is immense. However, not everyone is comfortable with these changes, and some people actively resist them. These individuals are often referred to as “modern-day Luddites.” They are people who fear the impact of technology on their job security and livelihood and resist the adoption of new technology. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this resistance and how not to prevent technology from changing the way you do your job.

The Luddites were a group of English textile workers who protested against the introduction of new machinery in the early 19th century. They believed that the new machines would take away their jobs and threaten their way of life. Today, the term “Luddite” is used to describe people who oppose the use of technology, fearing that it will disrupt their livelihoods.

There are several reasons why people may resist the adoption of new technology. One of the most common reasons is fear of job loss. People worry that machines and automation will replace human workers, leaving them without a source of income. Another reason is the fear of not being able to keep up with the new technology. Some people find it difficult to learn new skills or are intimidated by the complexity of new systems. Finally, some people simply prefer the old ways of doing things and are resistant to change.

However, resisting technology is not the solution. Technology is constantly evolving, and organizations that fail to keep up will soon be left behind. For individuals, failing to adapt to new technologies can limit career growth and opportunities. In today’s fast-paced world, being tech-savvy is a valuable skill that can open doors to new opportunities.

So, how can individuals avoid falling into the trap of being a modern-day Luddite? The first step is to recognize the importance of technology in the workplace. Embracing new technology can make work easier and more efficient, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction. It’s essential to view technology not as a threat but as an opportunity to learn and grow.

The second step is to be proactive in learning about new technologies. Attend training sessions or enroll in courses to improve your technical skills. Seek out resources such as online tutorials, webinars, and discussion forums to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in your field. Being proactive in learning about new technology can help you stay ahead of the curve and make you a valuable asset to your organization. Of course one of medium for this can be this very blog 😀

The third step is to have an open mind and be willing to experiment with new technologies. Rather than rejecting new technology outright, try it out and see how it can improve your work. Be open to feedback and learn from your experiences. If you encounter difficulties, seek help from colleagues or IT support staff.

In conclusion, technology is an inevitable part of the modern workplace. Rather than resisting it, individuals must embrace it and adapt to change. By recognizing the importance of technology, being proactive in learning about new technologies, and having an open mind, individuals can stay ahead of the curve and make themselves indispensable to their organizations. So, do not be a modern-day Luddite, but rather be a proactive, tech-savvy professional.